Hidden Wisdom in Number 2

By a Student

Number 2Numbers express harmony and define relationships. Pythagoreans regarded Numbers as a qualitative essence, a principle of relationships. Pythagoras said that “the number One is not a number at all, but the principle of Unity, the underlying continuum out of which other numbers emerge.”

Number 1 can be expressed as a Dot. A true dot is impossible to draw because it is dimensionless.  It has no length, width, or height. It is however, pregnant with all numbers, all possibilities, all states of consciousness, all kingdoms in nature, and all of the past, present, and future.

a Dot

The Dot, representing Unity or First Cause, expands itself equally in all directions and as it does, a circle is formed. Within its circumference, is contained the cyclic activity of the universe, all the way down to our own personal incarnations. It contains the pulses, or out-breaths and in-breaths of Source.

Dot expanding to form a circle

The area between the dot and Its circumference is a magnetic field composed of both (+1) and (-1), thus expressing polarity, relationship, duality, and the number 2. This area signifies Consciousness. In the book, The Universe Of Numbers, the Soul is described as “that which is willed or that by which the Will brings Itself into [Being].”

Types of Yin Yang Symbols

The Significance of Number 2

The symbolism of number 2 is rich with profound, multifaceted spiritual significance. Its deeper meaning has the power to enrich our spiritual journey. At its essence, the number 2 represents polarity, the synergy of pairs, equilibrium, balance, and harmony, as though each aspect of life were a dance between two forces: light and dark, masculine and feminine, inner and outer.

Everything has a mirror image or counterpart. Thus all manifestation has two poles, positive and negative, active and receptive, masculine-feminine, light-dark, love-hate, yin-yang, and so forth. It is because of these poles that the idea of opposites is born. The term we can apply to the appearance of opposites is Pairs of Opposites, which describes the differences in the two ends of any pole of magnetism. The two ends are mistakenly believed to be unreconcilable.

However, any pair of opposites simply has two different ends of the one or same pole which is composed of a (+1) and (-1), thus expressing polarity, relationship, duality, and the number 2.

Therefore, all poles of opposites are capable of being reconciled because they actually are composed of the same nature. All extremes do meet and all pairs of opposites may be reconciled into what is termed, polar opposites. The term polar opposites is used to describe pairs of opposites when their opposing ends have been reconciled or understood to be two ends of the same thing/nature. In other words, the perception of extreme opposites has been recognized as containing the same nature but having differences in the gradation of that nature. For example:

Cold and Hot Temperature

Cold and hot, for example, are identical in nature (temperature) but different in degree, cold and hot. It is only a particular degree that denotes any difference. For example, a thermometer displays many different degrees. The lowest temperature displayed denotes the lower end of the pole and is considered cold, while the highest temperature displayed on the thermometer denotes the higher end of the pole and is considered hot. However, between the poles of cold and hot are several degrees of both cold and hot, the difference being dependent upon the observer’s comparison, and even this is subject to the observer’s discretion. Whether the temperature is 20, 30, or 95 degrees, these terms simply denote the difference in the degree of the same nature: temperature.

Following another example, you perceive things and experience events as either happy or sad, right or wrong, and for you or against you. You are constantly ascribing your opinion or judgment to everything. If you have enough positive attributes built up around a situation, you will ascribe good or happy to it and move towards it. If you accrue more negative attributes around the same situation you will ascribe it as sad or bad and avoid it.

You can transform all pairs of opposites into polar opposites by simply understanding the relationship that exists between the different degrees or frequencies of their nature. Realize that the difference in the frequencies of the two poles does not change its nature. It is your perception that creates pairs of opposites.

For example, what we think of as opposites, i.e., hate and love is actually the comparison of differing, not opposing frequencies along the same conscious continuum – emotion. At one end of the pole, we have hate and at the other end, we have love. In between there are varying degrees of emotions like (-1) hate, disdain, dislike as well as (+1) like, admire, and love.

Number 2 invites us to explore the nature of all things, suggesting that true wisdom and growth come from recognizing both sides of any experience. “It must not be forgotten that the closest unions are those of opposites.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Autobiography  Then stress, discord, and conflict become easier to understand and therefore deal with. This allows us the opportunity to more easily cope with life – easily said, but not as easy to do at times. This is why practice is important.

Number 2 embodies the idea of unity through diversity. It reminds us that harmony arises from balancing these contrasting forces within and around us and that inner transformation is as crucial as outer service. This balance is akin to the ancient Chinese sage, Lao Tzu’s saying “If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. Truly the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”

2 also encourages us to look within and align ourselves with our higher purpose. By recognizing the inherent equilibrium in our actions and thoughts, we can achieve a state of inner peace that manifests in our external reality.

It encourages us to cultivate empathy and cooperation. It invites us to open our hearts and minds to others. It suggests that through genuine connection and mutual respect, we can experience the divine within ourselves and each other.

Self-Mastery Wisdom

In Yoga philosophy, we are told that our aim should be to seek that awareness where polarities have no hold or influence upon us. In other words, the polarity still exists but it has no power over you. Your aim is to perceive the true nature of the -1 and +1 of the pole as being two aspects of the same thing, i.e. hot and cold (temperature) or hate and love (emotion) for example.

Real freedom consists of effectively training your consciousness, to perceive the true nature of things, thereby recognizing the unity that exists between all opposites. When you can successfully transform pairs of opposites into polar opposites, your perception and discrimination will reflect the wisdom of your Higher Self.

Think about the world today and see if you can transform pairs of opposites into polar opposites. No matter which political party you support, no matter whether you believe in global warming or not, no matter what your beliefs, see if you can identify their true natures and recognize their oneness.

In essence, the number 2 reminds us that through unity, cooperation, partnership, and balanced reflection, we can foster a world filled with compassion and understanding. It’s a testament to the incredible transformations that occur when we identify our interconnectedness and work together to make the world a better place for all.

As you continue your spiritual journey, perhaps you’ll find that knowledge from the ageless wisdom resonates deeply within you as it has for me thus helping to navigate our journeys with greater awareness, understanding, and ease. You are not just a lonely isolated traveler. You are a vital part of the larger tapestry of existence contributing your unique perspective to the wholeness of life. You are a very important aspect of creating a better world for all.