Transforming Your Rings-Pass-Not

Maryann Miller, Msc.D.


We each are experiencing enormous shifts in today’s world. Moment by moment, humanity’s collective mind is designing a future in which we will live. The thoughts we choose to hold and the actions we take can powerfully influence that future.

With each thought we hold in our consciousness and each action we take, we exercise our power to influence the design our futures will take. No matter who you are or where you live, you have the freedom to reshape and transform yourself. Never doubt the power you have to impact and help guide your future.

In the book, Power vs Force, “Dr. David Hawkins presents decades of research and insight into powerful ground-breaking discoveries in advanced particle physics and nonlinear dynamics. “Through twenty years of calibrations, Dr. Hawkins was able to analyze the full spectrum of the levels of human consciousness, developing a fascinating map of the geography of man’s experience. This anatomy of consciousness produces a profile of the entire human condition, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the emotional and spiritual development of individuals, societies, and the human race in general. So profound and far-reaching a view provides not only a new understanding of man’s journey in the universe, but also a guide to all of us as to where we, and our neighbors are on the ladder of spiritual enlightenment, and on our own personal journeys to become who we could be.” ~E. Whalen, Editor, Bard Press

Through his years of extensive research, Dr. David Hawkins found that approximately 87 percent of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them. But he also discovered that high-energy people can actually counterbalance the negative effect of that low energy.

It gets even more mind-blowing. Dr. Hawkins says that this doesn’t happen at a one-to-one ratio. The higher your consciousness and vibration, the more impact you have in affecting larger groups of low-energy people!

In his book, Eye of the I, Dr. Hawkins explains his research findings:

  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.
  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

Individually and collectively, all humanity lives within rings-pass-not. The ring-pass-not is a state of consciousness in which you, and we as the human race live, move, and have our being. The ring’s periphery is the vibrational boundary that constitutes a particular state of consciousness.

Once humanity reaches the ring’s periphery, it becomes our prison because we cannot move beyond its boundary until there is a transformation in consciousness. When the transformation is achieved, we effortlessly move through that ring’s boundary and begin to establish a new, wider, ring of higher consciousness, growth, and influence. Humanity is at such a nexus point.

To expand our frequency of consciousness requires that we, as the human race recognize, transmute, and move beyond our old thinking and conditioning, ineffective habits, prejudices, and fears. Being made consciously aware of humanity’s current boundary helps us more readily realize where the influence of higher consciousness is needed. This knowledge can allow us to more quickly transmute those conditions that are holding us back. Once transmuted, we then transition into our next field or ring of awareness and influence.

When establishing a higher state of consciousness, we always come to a critical juncture. The choice is to either continue our old ways of thinking and doing or transmute them. We realize that the Earth is not the center of the universe, and it is only one of the billions of planets, or whatever the case may be. Our willingness to open ourselves up to new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting creates the potential for transformation to occur.

It is my belief that humanity is at the edge of its current ring-pass-not, and it is incumbent upon us to transmute those thoughts and conditions that are holding us back so we can move forward into our next opportunities.

As humanity continues to consciously become aware of our oneness we will move more swiftly beyond our rings-pass-not, and expand our spheres of awareness, purpose, love, wisdom, and abundance for all. Old limitations will be transmuted, allowing us to move into higher and more vivified states of consciousness, thereby creating a more harmonious, joyful, peaceful, wise and loving world for all.