When Good People Do Bad Stuff, The Call for Compassion©

Dianne Collins

Dianne CollinsQuantumThink-Wave:

Do people do things of ill will because they want to, because they are bad, or due to the influence of mean, vindictive spirits?

A lot of individuals might chime in a quick “yes” to that question. However, along the QuantumThink[1] journey, you realize that much of the time people are not really at choice. (And yes, “people” includes you and me.) It may appear that they are at choice but consider that aggressive and violent actions are stimulus-response reactions of a person in a state of deep unawareness.[2]

You can ask yourself: Would an awakened soul willfully wreak havoc on another human being? Not likely. Then why do good people do bad stuff?

In the QuantumThink® system, a “least-action pathway” is an automatic or mechanical thought, or energy that goes simply because it has gone that route before. Least-action pathways lack consciously awakened awareness. Therefore, least-action pathway thoughts and behaviors cannot be considered true choices.

In addition to our individual least-action pathways there are also cultural least-action pathways and the pull of culturally conditioned fields, which are subtle… yet oh-so-powerful force fields. Lacking awakened awareness, individuals are subject not only to their own automatic thought patterns but also to the automatic pull of a largely conceptual classical-mechanical culture.

The Dalai Lama has said, “Without compassion, no politician and not even a magician can save the planet.” In accordance, what would happen if instead of disdain and vengeance, we put forth compassion for those who seem to be the worst dregs of humanity? Could we generate a shift in the underlying pattern of our human field? It is certainly worth the effort to impact this change.

As an awakened soul, there is no benefit in denigrating yourself or others for having been in a state of unawareness. Instead, rejoice that you have become aware! Realize that anyone can awaken, as so many are as we step into this new age.

Do You QuantumThink bookThe tendency to label a person as “good” or “bad” might simply be another limit of outdated and automatic cultural thinking. This becomes crystal clear when you move from either/or thinking to both/and thinking.[3]

Reprinted with permission from the book, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World , by Dianne Collins.

[1] Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, by Dianne Collins

[2] The state of unawareness is a reference to a QuantumThink® distinction called “Four Aspects of Knowing.” The Four Aspects of Knowing enable us to distinguish how we are related to what we know or hold in our mind. They are:  unawareness, conceptual, intuitive and participatory knowing.

[3] “From either/or to both/and” is a reference to the QuantumThink® distinction, indicating a fundamental quantum leap in thinking that moves us beyond our attachments to the automatic ways of either/or, and my way or your way— and has the power to evaporate divisiveness and create unity.