Phases of Consciousness,
Is Your Consciousness Asleep Or Awakening?

~Dr. Maryann Miller

What is this mysterious thing called consciousness and why should it be important to you and me?

What if consciousness is the ground of being? What if the possibilities discovered by quantum physics are the possibilities of consciousness itself? Remember there is already a class of people who think in this way. They are called mystics, and they say it is all God. Finally, a few scientists dared to say that some of the characteristics attributed to God are similar to what we describe as consciousness.” ~ Dr. Amit Goswami, Theoretical Quantum Physicist

Phases of Consciousness

Are you asleep or awake, or maybe you are somewhere in-between? There are several phases of consciousness through which all humanity advances in our evolution toward knowing and living as the Soul in form. Here, we will discuss two of them.

The Asleep Phase of Consciousness

phases of consciousnessThis phase symbolizes the current reality of a portion of collective humanity. In this phase, humanity is unaware that we each are a self-aware, conscious expression of Soul and are one with, and an extension of, the Infinite-One.

Those in this phase are ego-based, judgmental, and operate within the confines of very limited and fear-based points of view. Any beliefs or conditions outside of their inner circle is threatening. Their lives are lived in the illusion of need, fear, and separation. Their lives are compartmentalized and loyalty is imperative. They only trust their inner circle of family, close friends, and companions. This phase applies whether the person is living in poverty or extreme wealth.

Evolution alone carries them toward higher frequencies of consciousness but this is a very slow, arduous journey. They are unaware and sometimes not open to making the necessary changes to their thought patterns that could totally change their lives and greatly speed up their evolution in consciousness. If you are reading this, you know that you are definitely not in the Asleep Phase.

The Awakening Phase of Consciousness

MeditatingIn the Awakening Phase, you begin opening yourself up to more refined frequencies of consciousness. The necessary inner-work has begun and there arises an expanding desire to deepen your conscious connection with your Higher-Self, your authentic, eternal self that is and has always been one with Source.

This requires a readiness to be open to transmutation and transformation. Properly transmuting deep-seated fears, guilt, and traumas affords the opportunity for great emotional and mental freedom and helps facilitate an upward trajectory in consciousness.

In this phase, you begin to direct your life and affairs through an alignment of your brain with your mind, and your mind with your Soul. With awareness of this connection, you begin to live life in alignment with the impulses of your Soul. You begin to recognize the causes behind effects, are aware there are Universal Principles underlying all manifestations, and begin to create your life in harmony with them.

You begin to open your mind to an alternative perception of your identity, an awareness that you are one with the Infinite-One and not just a personality that lives and dies. Life is then lived from this growing awareness. This is the first step in the transitional process of lifting yourself out of separation and believing that the Infinite-One is an outside deity, separate from yourself.

You begin shifting from living your life as an ego-personality to a growing awareness that you are a leading-edge extension of the Infinite One, which breathes Its Breath in you and lives Its Life in you. As this higher phase of consciousness emerges and further develops within, you more consciously begin to align your being and life with its frequencies, thereby initiating a stronger awareness of your connectedness and Oneness. You begin to shift your identity from I’m a body with a soul to I’m a soul living in a body. This phase also initiates a period in your life when you begin to recognize when you’re operating from your Higher-Self instead of your ego-self. At times, you still find it difficult to move past lower emotional states to recognize that, by holding on to these, you attract into your life events that harmonize with these lower frequencies.

Just as the frequencies of planet Earth are changing, so too are humanity’s. We are in the midst of a major shift in consciousness that will result in a global transformation. Movement through phases of consciousness is not a task for the faint of heart. They hold some very difficult transition periods of fluctuating between one’s emotional and mental natures. As humanity learns to react with a more heart-centered intellect we will move more fully into these higher frequencies of consciousness that result in a combination of the heart and head.

So as we honor humanity’s journey up to the present moment and the progress we all have collectively made, let us grasp the new and exciting times and opportunities ahead for each of us as we shift into a whole new way of thinkingbeing, acting, and living.