Are There New Souls?

New SoulThis is a question we’ve probably all asked at some point in our spiritual journey. Since there is no way to prove anyone’s answer to this question, I offer the following as my opinion. You may accept or reject any or all of it. The only thing I would ask is that you keep an open mind and then decide for yourself.

For those of us who believe in the Doctrine of Reincarnation, many questions arise regarding the increase in the number of souls now being born and living on planet Earth. Among our questions are:

  1. Is there a set number of souls or are there new souls being created for the first time?
  2. Can souls incarnate on Earth from other planets?
  3. Can souls born on Earth reincarnate on other planets?

Before we delve into the subject of new souls, it would be appropriate for us to consider the metaphysical concept of Consciousness. In my studies of Ancient Wisdom, Universal Consciousness and Soul are synonymous and only differ in frequency.  So let’s take a look at the concept of Universal Consciousness and Soul a little closer.


In the above table, we see how Source (the blue dot) extends Its Consciousness outward and manifests as three differing energies. Although the energies of Source manifest differently, they are ultimately all One and the same. For example, a drop of water in the ocean (self) is not all of the ocean (Consciousness) but that which we call the individual self (drop) is of the same essence as the entire ocean. Thus, that which humanity calls the individual soul is all One and the same Soul.

Soul, as an aspect of Consciousness, is not subject to evolution, meaning it does not evolve nor does it devolve. As a result, it is not our soul that we are trying to evolve; it is the self, soul-personality, or persona, which is our individualized awareness of the Soul that we are evolving. Our individual choices, our physical, emotional, and mental aspects, and Karma work together to evolve our soul-personality or individualized expression of the Soul. The more we are able to generate choices, responses, and actions in alignment with our Soul’s urgings, the more rapidly our soul personalities evolve.


In order to be a soul-personality, you must have an awareness of self as distinct from everything that is not self. This requires the attainment of at least a certain frequency of consciousness. Once this is established, evolution continues to move the person forward. Evolution ensues as one’s soul-personality is built through its responses to the inner impulses coming to it from Soul. Each person’s response to these inner impulses of Soul is different so each person has an individual, distinct, and intimate realization of Soul. This individual response establishes one’s soul-personality or persona.

In order to more rapidly expand one’s consciousness and grow in enlightenment, it is necessary to establish a conscious two-way communication with Soul. In some systems of study, the Soul is called one’s Master-Within. As each person establishes a conscious communication channel with the Master-Within s/he more rapidly cultivates and puts into practice the purpose, love, and wisdom of the Soul for guidance in everyday life.

Universal Consciousness and New Souls

The soul is neither born nor does it ever die. There is a metaphysical axiom: Time never was when you were not. For, if ever there was a time you were not, there would again come a time when you are not.

We need to keep in mind that Universal Consciousness is infinite and has no past, present, or future; nor does it have a set total or absolute quantity of vibrations or frequencies. Additionally, Space and time are creations of consciousness that humanity operates within. Therefore, an infinite number of souls have always existed but not necessarily in human form. This is important because it follows that there can be no set number of souls within infinite Universal Consciousness.

Protons, electrons, atoms, cells, etc. are different frequencies of Universal Consciousness. It is within Universal Consciousness that all manifestation arises. The difference in the consciousness of any manifestation results from the degree or frequency of consciousness that exists within the object. For example, a tree is not self-conscious, yet it contains soul because it exists as a portion of Universal Consciousness that expresses Itself as a particular type of tree. Universal Consciousness, having an infinite number of frequencies can manifest an infinite number of characteristics, forms, and souls.

Souls and Other Planets

Since Universal Consciousness is infinite and produces all manifestations, it would seem to be unreasonable to think there would not exist souls or soul-personalities on other planets, other solar systems, and other galaxies. There are some who say they know the actual procedure for how the residence of soul-personalities is determined. They may or may not be accurate, however, I can say that there is a procedure for this that operates according to Divine Law and Order.