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Gratitude and Thanksgiving©

By Seth Adamson

As the leaves begin their descent, the temperatures become colder, and Halloween becomes a memory; we approach that special Thursday in November where there is an abundance of turkey, stuffing, football, and family. That day where we give thanks for all that we have… and all that this year has brought us.

In many families it is a common practice to go around the table and share what each is thankful for… that act of gratitude an essential part of the human experience. For not only does the giving of thanks show appreciation, that review automatically brings perspective upon all that has occurred in one’s life. The good… and not so good!

But here is the real secret of gratitude: Gratitude is a two-way street.

Not only is it necessary to give thanks for all that we have… all that we have been given, but there should also be a review of what we have done, what we have given to make other’s lives better… that which elicits a sense of gratitude from others.

Please consider this is not about receiving praise or recognition. It is about the balance of giving that is an essential part of human existence. (Balance being the operative word.) It is an equilibrium of giving and receiving of not only that which has made our life more joyous, but also a reflection on what we have done to bring joy into other’s lives.

Gratitude is a two-way street, an avenue we must travel in both directions.

On that special Thursday, as you precariously balance turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce upon your plate, pause for a moment and reflect upon the secret of gratitude… the balance that is its true nature, and your need to travel in both of its lanes.

With that truth in mind and with gratitude in your heart, joyfully head to the dessert table.

Seth Adamson, IFGT Board of Directors, is author and host of The Art of Relating podcast. Seth is also the Founder/Executive Director of the One Humanity Foundation and the Worldwide Coalition for Peace. As an author and teacher specializing in relating, Seth conducts webinars, workshops and private consultations that provide guidance and insight into purposeful life and spiritual direction.

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