Mystical Journeys and Sacred Chants with William “Pila of Hawaii” Chiles

Activate your cellular memory – reduce your stress – tap into instant energy – re-braid your DNA at the very core level of your being – reconnect to your purpose – and begin to see and feel memories arise within yourself as you re-mem-ber who you really are.

Pila's Journeys and Chants

This series was originally offered as a set of 4 CDs. However, we are now able to offer all four of the sacred Hawaiian chants and each of the 4 Mystical Meditation Journeys as mp3 downloads. Enjoy them on all of your devices.

Pila of HawaiiPila’s Journeys were premiered in Pila’s first Huna week-long intensive, before a live audience of over 200 on the Big Island of Hawaii. They are designed to activate your cellular memory and re-braid your DNA at the very core level of your being. As you experience each Journey, you will begin to see and feel memories arise within yourself. You will begin to re-mem-ber who you really are, as well as your true purpose, a little more with each Journey. This was the experience of those attending the premiere!

In Pila’s words: “It was anything but your average audience, psychiatrists, psychologists, clergy, and healthcare professionals, along with many celebrities. The premier was a lengthy combination meditation employing both The Islands Within You and The Journey to LeMuria. A stunned audience stood in line for over an hour to share their remarkable experiences. This disrupted the entire conference, becoming a subject of controversy and intense study throughout the psychological community that continues to this day.

James BrolinAs Actor James Brolin, the last person in line, remarked, ‘It was one of the most powerful emotional experiences I have ever had. I still don’t know what it means entirely.’ Out of that conference came a TV Infomercial for self-therapy featuring James Brolin, Margeaux Hemingway, Linda Gray, and Pila of Hawaii.

SPECIAL: Before you read on, below is your special gift, E laka E, the sacred Hawaiian Chant to attract Prosperity and Abundance into your life.

“The sound of the Hawaiian chant, E laka E, has a deep, profound healing effect on the human psyche and neurology. All around the world, no matter what the race or background, E Laka E attracts great Prosperity and Abundance into your life. It is the archetype essence of feminine magnetism. Listen to it, and listen often, to experience its profound effects.” ~Pila

A word of caution: Do not listen to this chant while driving or operating heavy machinery. Find a nice comfortable position, preferably semi-upright, unless meditation is used for sleep therapy and stress elimination.  SMILE while taking several deep breaths in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.  Exhale with Haaa.  Aloha!  ~Pila


Pila: “In my years of clinical research with these journeys of the mind, it has become my contention that within us… within the library of knowledge that is the human DNA, there is a lost file… that is our soul memory and Point of Origin… our higher connection, if you will, for the Human Species. I believe the braid of this spiral of information remains unbroken within the Hawaiian bloodline, as well as other indigenous peoples. Defined as those who have remained close to the Earth Mother, they are the tribal cultures sprinkled throughout our globe… from the American and Canadian Indians to the Aboriginal, and some African tribes.

In this time of greatest change, I believe they hold a clue for the plight of Humankind, and the missing link to our higher connection. A notion I want every one of intelligence to begin to consider is this: the reestablishment of that higher connection, in this critical time of expanding consciousness, may be a clue to our very salvation, and the understanding of certain tribal and Biblical prophecies.

Within us, may indeed be the potential to re-braid that broken spiral… and thereby, regain our lost connection! Yes, think upon it, and begin to meditate upon the greater ramifications. You may soon realize that we are indeed standing at the greatest threshold of the Human Story.

The purpose is to aid you in that new adventure…

Pila gifted these beautiful, powerful, Mystical Journeys and Sacred Chants, which are a major part of his life’s work, to the Institute For Global Transformation™. Pila said his single purpose is to assist the IFGT in raising funds to further spread our vision and mission of raising consciousness and creating a Tipping Point that will usher in a more loving, cooperative, inclusive, and peaceful world for everyone.

But first, allow Pila to tell you what to expect inside the Journeys. For a Small Donation, you can enjoy ALL of the Mystical Meditation Journeys and Sacred Chants.

Enjoy Pila’s Journeys and Chants often, for your own relaxation, stress reduction, DNA re-braiding, and personal therapy. These recordings were clinically proven to be rejuvenating at the deepest subliminal level, to your body, mind, and spirit.


OPTION 1: Receive ALL 4 of Pila’s Mystical Meditation Journeys plus the 4 Sacred Chants as a Bundled Set.

Use these Meditation Journeys to: reduce your stress, gain instant energy, whole body tune-ups, re-braid your DNA, core chemical balancing, sadness of the heart, reconnect to your purpose, and soul alignment.

Pila's Chants4 JourneysBecause this set is so important to your overall personal growth, we want you to receive all 4 of Pila’s Mystical Meditation Journeys plus the 4 Sacred Hawaiian chants for a very small donation of $85. This is a $125 value.

Download this extraordinary Bundled Set for the small donation of only $85. You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.

OPTION 2:  Select Individual Mystical Meditation Journeys.



A little about this journey: If you have not tried a guided meditation before, start with this one. The Sacred Garden Punalu’u. It is a Stress Elimination meditation to help add years to your life. Use this meditation OFTEN for instant energy, coffee breaks, as well as deep sleep rejuvenation therapy. It helps with migraine relief, body tune-ups, and is your angel connection, wellspring within, goal setting, seeding, Ano Ano.

This Journey Recording Includes:

  • Introduction to the guided meditation of the Sacred Garden and helpful information about the journey
  • A powerful Hawaiian Chant voice gifted by Pila himself
  • Introduction to daytime use
  • Introduction to nighttime use
  • The Sacred Garden Journey guided meditation

Download The Sacred Garden Journey for a donation of only $25. You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.


A little about this journey: This guided meditation is extremely powerful. For many, it will produce vivid imagery. It includes themes of Life purpose reconnection, Point of origin for the human story, Soul connection, Healing of the child within, DNA spiral re-braiding, Core level reactivation, the Cosmic Tear, Endorphin release, Core chemical balancing, Sadness of the Heart, and Soul alignment.

The Journey To LeMuria recording includes:

  • Helpful information about the journey – Introduction and Instructions
  • Powerful Hawaiian Chants, voice gifted by Pila himself.
  • The guided meditation: Journey to Le Muria.

Download The Journey To LeMuria for a donation of only $25.You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.


A little about this journey: This is a DNA cellular power activation meditation. It speaks to humanity’s point of origin metaphor. It is a Soul call to the High Mountain, Distant Trumpet, and The Call Home. Experiences include DNA activation, adrenal awakening, and body energy activation. The recording includes:

    • Helpful information about the journey you will be taking
    • Powerful Hawaiian Chants, voice gifted by Pila himself
    • The guided journey meditation.

Download for a donation of only $25. You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.



A little about this journey: Initiation into the Dreamtime is a very powerful guided meditation. For many this meditation is transformative, opening new dimensions of conscious dreaming. Some of the themes you may encounter are DNA matrix activation, Doorway to forming reality, Somnambulistic core sleep therapy, Insomniac healing therapy, Core DNA activation, Gateway between dimensions, Dimension beyond stress reduction therapy, and Core matrix connection realignment. It also contains the following.
    • Helpful information about the journey
    • Powerful Hawaiian Chants, voice gifted by Pila himself
    • The guided meditation, Initiation into the Dreamtime

Download for a donation of only $25.You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.

OPTION 3:  Receive All 4 Mystical Meditation Journeys as a set.

4 JourneysListen to Pila’s Mystical Journeys and Sacred Chants often, for your own relaxation, stress reduction, DNA re-braiding, personal therapy, and re-member-ing who you really are. These recordings were clinically proven to be rejuvenating at the deepest subliminal level, to your body, mind, and spirit.

  • The Sacred Garden
  • Journey To LaMuria
  • The Islands Within You
  • Journey Into The Dreamtime

Download this extraordinary Set of Meditation Journeys for a small donation of only $65 – this is a $100 value.

Use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.

Pila's ChantsOPTION 4:  Receive The 4 Sacred Hawaiian Chants as a set.

Recorded by Pila of Hawaii: The sound of the Hawaiian chant has a deep, profound healing effect on the human psyche and neurology, all around the world, no matter what the race or background.

  1. E Laka E: “For attracting great Prosperity and Abundance into your life (the archetype essence of feminine magnetism.”
  2. E Laka E: Ho’opuka E Ka La – “Opening the doorway to your greater Enlightenment… braiding on to your highest, most refined thoughts of light and love.”
  3. Ho’opuka E Ka La- Moeuhane – “Your initiation into the meaningful Dreamtime of your deeper thinking.”
  4. Moeuhane: Ai No Hoana – “Lightning from Heaven” …one of the most powerful and sacred of all Hawaiian chants.”

Download this set for a donation of only $25. You may use the PayPal button below to make your donation. PayPal will process your transaction and redirect you to the download page.

The Secrets An Mysteries O Hawaii, A Call To The Soul


Pila’s little Red Book on Hawaii:  If you haven’t already read The Secrets and Mysteries of Hawaii, A Call To The Soul, you are missing an exciting read, and some very valuable information on Hawaii, your Inner-Self, Earth’s power places, and their connections with each other. This book reveals why Hawaii is the crossroads of all our mysteries, the Hawaiian people, their legends and culture, and even the location of the islands themselves hold a key that could unlock a giant door and reveal the path to our future. This book has been in publication for 27 years, and published in 8 countries. You may purchase it on Amazon at:

With all our gratitude and love to Pila of Hawaii.

IMPORTANT: The information in the Journeys and Chants is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.