Attaining Mastery

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QUESTION from Maine: Attaining Self Mastery
“We read a lot about becoming a master or mastering your life but what do you need to do to become a master?”  RESPONSE:

Attaining Self-Mastery

~Dr. Michael Mason

You’re already on your way if you’ve found IFGT. I suggest if you haven’t already read it, to scroll down on the IFGT home page and click on the  PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION GUIDE. It is free for Transformer members and only costs $19.97 for our Free members and the public. Review membership options here.

Spiritual mastery begins with opening what I call your Infinite Heart (IH). It’s your spiritual perception tool. It is inside all of us as an infinite potential to love unconditionally. Loving unconditionally is a big ask. It begins, like all journeys with small steps. Keep in mind the adage that those who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.

To awaken your Infinite Heart (IH) begin with forgiveness. Is there anyone, including yourself that you hold a grudge or resentment towards? This is negative energy that causes a barrier to mastery and prevents your IH from expanding with love. Forgiveness begins with the understanding that all is connected as one. This means we must learn to overcome our ego mind that only perceives the illusion of separation. Begin to watch your thoughts and catch your ego-mind working against you to create resentment against those it misperceives as having caused you harm. Our ego-mind is a powerful tool of what I call The Adversary. It’s the Adversary’s purpose to challenge us, to give us free will. Free will to choose between reacting negatively with fear and resentment, or opening to love and wishing well to all others. This is easier to do when we realize (make real) that in Ultimate Reality there are no “others,” just other parts of you.

We are not our thoughts, we are the thinker of our thoughts. Practice watching your thoughts and whenever a negative thought is noticed ask yourself, “Where did that come from?” Ask, “Does this thought empower me, or disempower me?”


MeditationThere are numerous kinds of meditation. My favorite is the one where you quiet your mind. Deepak Chopra recommends that when we meditate, watch our thoughts and expand the space between thoughts until that space becomes so big that no more thoughts can creep in. That space then becomes an opening to infinite wisdom and love.

Know Thyself, said the Delphic Oracle. I feel those are humanity’s most profound two words of wisdom. Know yourself as a master. Walk your talk. Socialize and befriend others on the path to mastery. Support, learn, and share with each other. Spend as much time as you can working on raising your consciousness. Raising consciousness is what mastery is all about. ALL IS ENERGY which is proven by E=MC squared. The higher your consciousness, the more positive love energy you emanate.

Imagine there are one hundred levels of consciousness and you are moving up those levels. Imagine that at level fifty you emanate enough positive energy to neutralize the negative energy of fifty lower consciousness people. At level seventy, your positive love energy neutralizes the negative energy of seventy lower energy people.

The best way to integrate anything new that you learn is to share it with others. Do you know anyone who’s interested in spirituality, metaphysics, raising consciousness or mastery? Share and discuss these ideas with them.

The next time you co-create an incident with another part of you that appears at first to hurt you in some way, look for the lesson, the opportunity to practice your mastery by transforming the negative energy of that incident into a positive lesson for all involved. The universe (which is you and all of us) is infinitely patient. When we present ourselves with a forgiveness opportunity and allow the Adversary to manipulate us into anger, resentment, and fear, we failed the lesson opportunity and we will co-create another similar opportunity until we “get it.”

In conclusion, I’d like to mention one of the most amazing and challenging spiritual teachings. You might be familiar with it. It’s A Course In Miracles. It’s a course in forgiveness. I’m going to paraphrase one of the most profound truths from ACIM: “When you say or think you forgive someone, you are attacking them.” When you realize this, understand it, and integrate it into your life, you’ve achieved a higher level of consciousness and therefore you are well on your way to self-mastery.

Attaining Mastery

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