Consciousness Shapes Our Future

~Dr. Maryann Miller

Humanity is on the threshold of an awakening in higher consciousness. We are beginning to see transformations take place in all areas of life.  This includes business, education, the arts, sciences, the healing arts, and most importantly, in our individual lives and philosophies. Barriers that once existed are crumbling and large segments of humanity are finding communities of like-minded individuals that will help to create this awakening. We are beginning to realize that we can leverage our connectedness to discover solutions to challenges facing humanity.

The Institute For Global Transformation™ designs programs to  support this awakening. We strive to create wonderfully new possibilities to awaken humanity’s connectedness and innate will to good.

While continuing to maintain our individual philosophies, careers and community service interests, we connect with each other. As a community, we become pioneers who stand together to transcend the limitations of our individual efforts. We design programs and conversations that recognize and support humanity’s oneness.

Our Roundtable Represents A Wheel Of Possibility


Our Roundtable represents a wheel of possibility through which different aspects of consciousness come together to successfully create organic growth. Each segment in its circle represents a diverse portion of friendship, trust, collaboration, love, wisdom, power and connectedness. Ultimately, this results in a synthesis of purpose through action.

We designed our grass-roots Transformational Conversations program to enlighten humanity with the benefits of moving toward higher frequencies of consciousness.  Together we explore consciousness in all areas of life. We discuss how an awakening of our collective consciousness can create inclusiveness.  As such, our aligned actions will lead to a global awakening.

What benefits do transformations in consciousness hold for us personally and the world in general?

Short Quiz

With your permission, I’d like to take you through a little exercise designed to view this vast subject in a more personal way. You can just review your answers in your mind.

  1. Name the last two people to have won a Pulitzer Prize.
  2. Name the last two people to have won a Nobel Prize in science.

How did you do? Did you easily remember these individuals?

The point is, most of us don’t remember the headliners of yesterday. These individuals are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies, awards tarnish, and the famous are sometimes forgotten.

Now I’d like to take you through another little exercise and let’s see how you do on this one:

  1. Name two people who supported you during a difficult period in your life.
  2. Name two people you know who you could call in the middle of the night if you needed them.

Did you remember these individuals more easily?

One of the lessons we can take away from these two little quizzes is that the people who make a difference in your life are not necessarily the ones with the most trophies. The individuals you remember most are those who helped you in some way. They supported you when you needed it most. They may have stood by you as you went through a very dark period in your life that eventually  led to a transformation in your consciousness.

consciousness of the soulAs you begin to live your life in alignment with your Higher Self, you begin to discover, create, and utilize higher frequencies of consciousness with wisdom and purpose. Such lives become a series of synchronicities with one transformation producing another. Transformations are cumulative. They produce core changes within you and eventually, out into society and humanity as a whole.

Collective Consciousness is like a Pool of Water

consciousness and ripples in pond

Imagine for a moment, a large pool of water. Each transformative experience is like a pebble dropped into the water, producing ripples that expand out. Now imagine thousands of pebbles producing millions of ripples. Then each of the ripples encounter and interact with each of the others. The entire pool of water and all of the other ripples are affected and changed.  Hence, causing a collective experience.

As we choose to align and act in conscious cooperation with our Higher Selves, we connect in shared and focused purpose. To that end, our combined consciousness becomes like that pool of water. As the ripples of our individual consciousness merge, we become connected with everyone else. We create access to the entire group’s higher intent, wisdom, and love. This alignment magnifies our individual focus and intent, which creates synergy and group power.

When attuning with group consciousness, we experience a continuous exchange of the higher frequencies of wisdom, love and purpose. This gives rise to fundamental changes within ourselves and those connected within that consciousness frequency. This energy can then be directed outward towards humanity.

keyYou hold the key!

The axiom, “If you want to change the world, you must begin with yourself.” is a guiding principle of the universe.  We can gain a spiritual awakening characterized by collaborative thinking along with inclusiveness in consciousness. Consequently, a critical mass is being achieved and a global transformation occurring elevates the consciousness of all. It is to this end that the Institute For Global Transformation® is dedicated.

Globe & Tao

With your help we can create this transformation much more quickly. Together we can build a critical mass that will truly transform consciousness globally.

The Institute for Global Transformation™ was formed by many innovative thinkers to promote individual and global transformation. Our cooperation, determination, creativity, and alignment have manifested an Institute. As individuals, we can work with others of like mind to accomplish evolutionary shifts in consciousness.

Together, we’re building a global culture of respect for individual uniqueness. On that note we arouse from deep sleep. We re-awaken the human spirit. Ralph Waldo Emerson told us to “not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Together, our community of Change-Makers are forging such a trail.

The Change-Makers Global Network

Ours is a vision that will not happen overnight. It will require effort from each of us. The IFGT seeks the creative genius of our members. We operate as diverse, yet synergistic facets of the whole. We seek to build bridges between the old and new, the east and west, science and religion. Together we cross over those bridges into the infinite possibilities that await a more conscious humanity.

If the Institute’s community of Change-Makers resonates with you, we invite you to join us in our quest. In doing so, you will be helping to build a paradigm for the world in which each of us is valued for our unique contributions toward the higher development of body, mind, and spirit. If you have questions or want to join us, please click here.

We also invite you to add your voice and opinions to our Facebook conversations  group at:  Transformational Conversations.