Beyond Adversity, A Silver Lining

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Beyond Adversity, A Silver Lining

silver lined cloudsThere is an old saying that “Every cloud has a silver lining.” The significance of that adage implies that even the worst events or situations do have some positive aspects.

Truth is, every cloud does have a silver lining. The tough part is finding that silver lining amidst the storm raining down upon us. So how do we discover this proverbial lining?

The first step is to move beyond feeling hopeless, overwhelmed (and drenched!) and realize that adversity always happens for a reason. Should difficult situations appear in your life…in our life…recognize that adversity is always trying to teach us a particular lesson.

That is the only reason for the appearance of adversity.

Now, should the same adverse situations repeatedly appear (usually accompanied by increasingly greater amounts of pain) be assured that the gift of adversity is hard at work trying to communicate that a specific area of life needs attention?

Consequently, to eliminate adversity you must discover and resolve the underlying actions that bring these encounters into your life, always remembering that we are meant to triumph over all adversity.

In this way, each challenge conquered becomes an initiation into a higher level of relating…a higher level of being.

This is true individually and collectively.


Let’s apply this “Silver Lining Theory” to the current state of our world:

The Coronavirus literally brought our planet to a complete halt.

As of this writing, this deadly virus has infected well over 3 million people and taken the lives of over 250,000 individuals.

How could anyone possibly find a silver lining within this horrific and deadly pandemic?

Let me propose three different Silver Linings:

Silver Lining #1: Our Shared Humanity

If anything brings to light the fact that we are all human, it is a simple truth that this deadly virus does not discriminate. It does not care if you are Asian, American, Muslim, Christian, Gay, Straight, Old, or Young. It just views everyone as human and a possible residence where it can wreak havoc. The silver lining being that the message of our shared humanity could not be any more obvious.

Silver Lining #2: The Power of Our Unity

The only way in which we will truly conquer this pandemic is through our unity. We must work in tandem to get the needed supplies, support all healthcare workers and find a cure. Countries working in isolation states bidding against each other for supplies, agencies not sharing true and accurate information only further empowers this disease and prolongs its existence. The power of our unity is exponential and never more needed than right now.

Silver Lining #3: The Healing Power of Our Planet

Maybe the most important and definitely the most affirming silver lining is witnessing the incredible recuperative powers of our planet. The global shutdown has allowed the Earth to heal itself and she has wasted no time in showing her amazing, restorative power. In India, not only are there blue skies but they can see the Himalayas, something they haven’t been able to do in over thirty years! In Venice, the waters in the canals are so clear that dolphins have been sighted! The before and after satellite pictures of China literally show the pollution so prevalent within this country completely gone! If anything can make the case for a silver lining, it is the obvious truth of the incredible healing power of this planet; and that we as caretakers of our planet (and not just inhabitants) must work with her to bring it, and us, back to perfect health.

As you can see, these three examples do illustrate that within every cloud, however dark…however ominous…there is a silver lining. Each silver lining, always a point where our humanity shines through.

Know also that the greatest silver lining might be that above the most savage storm, above the most oppressive cloud cover, above the most deafening thunder, there is always the constant presence of a blue sky and a shining sun.

All we have to do is move through the cloud cover, to discover that silver lining.

© Seth Adamson 2020

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