Reconnecting To The Source, The New Science of Spiritual Experience, How It Can Change You, and How It Can Transform the World ~ Ervin Laszlo

Reconnecting To The SourceThis is a powerful new book by Ervin Laszlo on the science of the spiritual experience. It revitalizes living spiritually in the modern world.  It demonstrates that the so-called “spiritual experience” is not only real but conveys to the deepest dimensions of our consciousness.

Laszlo takes quantum principles to a whole new level. He delves into how they are affecting our communities, business, technology, health, education, economy, and life-styles.

He says, “Developments in all these areas exhibit a common feature. Rather than separating, they integrate. They seek balance and coherence. They heal fissions and ruptures. They counter voluntary or involuntary animosity and aggression. They are indications that even in the absence of conscious directives, whether from civil society or from government. There are groups and communities today that are becoming significantly holotropic.  Ethical and responsible individuals curate contact and communication between the members of their communities and other communities. They are guided by a rising perception of holotropism: solidarity, empathy, and compassion. In a few precious and as yet rare instances, actions and behaviors emerge that testify to genuine love among people who share the same communities.”

Dr. Deepak Chopra says of this book that it is not only a call to improve everyday life, or its argument for seeing reality as it really is. It is a revolution in what it means to be human.

Dr. Maryann Miller says, Reconnecting To The Source is a profound book on higher consciousness, and how it is affecting everyone in the world today. Laszlo presents complex cosmic principles in unpretentious language that will make sense to anyone. In simple everyday language, Laszlo explains David Bohm’s concept of an enfolded and unfolded order of manifestation that will inspire insights into your very existence.