Pamela Jaye Smith Interviews Bradley Quick of the Cool Change Foundation©

– Pamela Jaye: How do you visualize the future of consciousness?

bradley-quick-4-186x300Bradley Quick:  I visualize the future of consciousness as if we are entering a new paradigm where people now have to be aware of being aware.  They have to be willing to change and take positive action.  I think now is the time when people can broaden their spectrum as to how they perceive themselves, their roles, and their objectives, as well as those of others.  The way that we perceive things is often calculated by what we think in our heads.  So the more we can change our perception and the interpretations of what we think we perceive, the better we can implement what reality is.  We can create our own reality by changing our perception because the world doesn’t change that dramatically.  What changes is our mind and our perception of the world.

Pamela Jaye Smith: What are your specific goals for transforming consciousness?

Bradley Quick: My specific goals are to instill the idea that people can change themselves, their lives, and the lives of those they love, by taking positive action.

Pamela Jaye Smith: How does The Cool Change Foundation© and others contribute to the future of consciousness?

Bradley Quick:  The Cool Change Foundation© contributes to the future of consciousness by demonstrating to people, through various means, that by adopting another method of living, one other than the one you are currentlybradley-quick-logo-150x150 using, you can change your life for the better.  We instill in people’s mind that positive action cures everything.  It always has and it always will.  In my opinion, the organization that’s contributed the greatest to transforming consciousness is Alcoholics Anonymous and their 12 step process.  They have been around for over seventy years and they’ve helped millions and millions of people change their thoughts, their perceptions and their ideas in order to move forward and become productive members of society.

PamelaJaye Smith: How can people help?

Bradley Quick:  Simply, people can get involved in the future of consciousness by adopting a positive method of living, by doing something that is out of their box, out of their norm; because the positive action is what really counts.  The more positive actions you take the more positive results you get and you gain through repetition. And through positive action you will change your life for the better.  It will be beyond your wildest dreams.

People can become involved with this IFGT Institute and find out all kinds of great things about doing things differently, positively, and taking that positive action all the time in order to get positive results for themselves and those they love.

Pamela Jaye Smith: What’s the most important thing to remember?

Bradley Quick:  The most important thing to remember is, if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.  If you want something different, you have to do something different.  No change for you, no gain for you.  By going through a process and uncovering, discovering and discarding all of the things that you think you know, you can make room in your own life to take in all the new stuff, all the new ideas, new thoughts, new motivations that take you to where you want to be. You’ll make yourself the person you always dreamed of being. So take that positive action now.  Get positive results in your life for those you love.  Do it now.

The Cool Change Foundation©,  has developed a process called Help Yourself. It’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.  And through this process, one of the things we talk about is that it’s a fast clean pace; the acronym is F.A.S.T., which is Fate, Acceptance, Service, and This to shall pass.  It’s most important to understand faith, which is trust in the situation. Faith in the moment, because nothing, absolutely nothing happens in this world by mistake.  Acceptance is important; acceptance of people, places, things and situations, accepting things as they are instead of how you want them to be. But you also have to accept you as you are along with your faults as well as your positive attributes.  You have to accept them both.  You notice that faith is accepting service.  Any time I can get out of my stuff and into your stuff I should pay you for the privilege.  Cause to be stuck with me, I’ll lose every single time.  If anybody else would have done the things to me that I’ve done to myself, I would have bopped them a long time ago.  Okay, I haven’t been my best friend nor have you been yours, right?  So anytime I can be of service and get out of my stuff, I’ll pay you for the privilege.  And that’s being of service in any capacity; opening the door for somebody, helping somebody with anything, directions, anything.  Just make them smile and you’ve done your thing.  And this too will pass; it always does it and it always will.  Things will not be the same tomorrow, nor was it the same three years ago.  Nor will it be five years from now.  Where are you going to be five years from now?  Are you going to take positive action everyday between now and then?  Should you take that positive action, you’ll get those positive results; you’ll develop change, permanent change, and a new lifestyle.  You’ll become a better you, I promise.

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