Change-Makers are Working Toward a Tipping Point for a Better World.

Our Intentions and Actions Will Transform the World

It is reported that, in America, Change-Makers may now represent an astounding  50% of the population. This group is spreading globally in similar percentages. The IFGT’s influential Change-Makers’ community has set our conscious intention to, not only change how humanity interacts with one another but actually create a transformational global paradigm shift. Together, with all workers of goodwill, our powerful intentions and actions will create a tipping point that will transform the world.

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. Truly the greatest gift you have to give
is that of your own self-transformation. ~Lao Tzo, ancient Chinese sage

Dr. David R. HawkinsIn Power vs Force, Dr. Hawkins presents decades of his research and insight into powerful ground-breaking discoveries in advanced particle physics and nonlinear dynamics. “Through twenty years of calibrations, Dr. Hawkins was able to analyze the full spectrum of the levels of human consciousness, developing a fascinating map of the geography of man’s experience. This ‘anatomy of consciousness’ produces a profile of the entire human condition, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the emotional and spiritual development of individuals, societies, and the human race in general. So profound and far-reaching a view provides not only a new understanding of man’s journey in the universe, but also a guide to all of us as to where we, and our neighbors are on the ladder of spiritual enlightenment, and on our own personal journeys to become who we could be.” ~E. Whalen, Editor, Bard Press

Higher Energy Counterbalances Low Energy

Through 29 years of extensive research, Dr. David Hawkins found that approximately 87 percent of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them. Additionally, he discovered that high-energy people actually counterbalance the negative effect of that low energy.

It gets even more mind-blowing: this doesn’t happen at a one-to-one ratio, the higher your consciousness and vibration, the more impact you have in affecting larger groups of low-energy people! In his book, Eye of the I, Dr. Hawkins explains his research on the higher frequencies of positive energy versus lower, negative frequencies. His research findings show that one individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of thousands of individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. His research also finds that one individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of additional thousands of individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

Now Let’s Do Some Calculations…

If we take only 500 of our IFGT Change-Maker members who vibrate to Pure Love, Optimism, and are non-judgmental, let’s see what Dr. Hawkins says.

Dr. Hawkins says that 1 person who vibrates to the energy of pure love, optimism, and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others can affect 90,000 people. So, if you ever wondered if you matter, if you can make a difference, and what you can do to help transform the world and make it a better place for everyone, you have just discovered how very important YOU are.

Could You Be The 100th Monkey?

Have you heard about the 100th Monkey Effect? This is an excerpt from The Hundredth Monkey, by Ken Keyes Jr.

100th Monkey-Macaca_fuscata
Photo Credit: F I Watson

“We have observed the Japanese monkey, Macaca Fuscata in the wild for a period of over 30 years. In 1952, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant. A female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too. Various monkeys gradually picked up this cultural innovation. Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.

Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — no one knows the exact number. Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island learning to wash their sweet potatoes. Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.

By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea. Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.

Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind. Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the conscious property of these people. But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!”

Penny Gillespie, who was married to Ken Keyes and participated in his work and writing said, “After our book was printed, there was some question about whether the study was authentic. Ken presented the story as a phenomenon; the concepts of morphogenetic fields and critical mass are very true and the story serves to illustrate them.”

CONCLUSION: With morphogenetic fields and critical mass, there is a point at which, if only one more person tunes into a new awareness, the field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone.”  Could YOU be the 100th monkey?

The 100th Monkey and Critical Mass

Together, We’re Making A Real Difference

You are unique and you have an important purpose for being here. As Change-Makers, we each are uniquely qualified to create the life and world we envision. You are needed to help create the 100th Monkey effect that will bring about a vastly new world model, not just for us, but for future generations. You needn’t be a doctor, lawyer, or CEO to make a difference. Difference is created by a smile, a helpful hand, kind words, empathy, meditation, prayer, speaking up… the list goes on and on.

So let’s get to know one another and Change our World Together.

If you count yourself among those who envision a better world, we invite You to become a member of our Change-Makers community. Let us know you want to be a Change-Maker who is helping to build a tipping point that will create a paradigm shift toward a new and better world for everyone.

Find out about our Free and Transformer memberships here.