Consciousness; if we’re going to evolve it, we must have some idea of it.  If we’re  going to create a transformation of it, we have to have a way to relate  to it.  My part is eternal.  So does that mean that consciousness is  eternal?  Or does that mean there is a certain part of consciousness  that ends?  Well maybe a combination of both.  I didn’t contemplate my  naval to become enlightened.  I didn’t study in great metaphysical  schools in higher learning.  Some people are enlightened.  I was enlighten-inged.   So that’s how I came to this brilliant articulate informative  psychological nature of my ability to understand and globally expand my  conversation on consciousness as a theoretical application to reality.

My Near Death Experience

lightening-300x198Well  I was talking on the telephone, I was hit in the head by a bolt of  lightning that went down my spine.  It welded the nails in the heels of  my shoes to the floor, threw me in the air, suspended me in the air, and  threw me back and down on the bed.  I was dead for 28 minutes;  completely paralyzed for six days, and partially paralyzed for seven  months.  It took me two years to learn to walk and feed myself.

One  day I never believed a bit of this crap, (laughter) the next day I was  dead and the day after that I became everything I never believed.  (laughter)  I come from South Carolina; everybody goes to hell where I  come from. (laughter)  So by the time I was six or seven years old, I  had the deal down pat.  So I partied on. (laughter)

So when we  start looking at consciousness, you are more conscious when you are dead  than you’ll ever be while you are alive.  Consciousness does not even  begin to be understood by you in your present state until after you’ve  lived it.  So programs like this come together to drive our hearts closer together to think as one.  And the one that we think of, is that we can make a damn difference.  It is inherent in the spiritual soul that single-handedly and alone you are capable of making a magnificent change.    Who most influenced you?  Who was there when you needed someone?  Then  that person is the uniqueness that evolves consciousness – “yours.”  And  by you saying thanks, you evolve consciousness – “theirs!”

Consciousness and Why We’re Here Today

We  have gathered as a society today.  We’re not an organization.  We’re a  society.  A group gathered with single thoughts in mind to enter into a  conversation, a rapport, an advancement of feelings toward one another  and that sense of consciousness is a feeling we have for one another –  for one another, by one another, with one another’s best hope and ideals  put forth.  It is eternal.  When you start thinking about “whatever,” I  want you to realize something.  Forever is not near as long as you  think it is; it’s a lot longer (laughter) and you are going to be  conscious of it for a long, long, time.  (laughter)  So this  consciousness that we are trying to identify is being molded as we  speak.  Consciousness is an energy wave; like a whale swimming in the  ocean.  Speaking of whales (laughter) I’m consciously going to lose  weight. (laughter)  I lost eleven pounds.  I’ve been working at it.

4x5-20421681_jpg_439174aad9689d9a37b3985abeab32e0-22-232x300But consciousness is what you bathe in.  Consciousness is the ocean and you are a mighty  creature that “whales” in it; (laughter) that understands it; that  moves in it; that has grace and eloquence in it.  It’s called the  spiritual being and as you start to realize that consciousness is around  you; you are the molder and the creator of your reality. We have now  learned in quantum dynamics and quantum physics that the observer has  just a much affect on the end results of an experiment as the  experiment’s model, as it is created.   We affect outcome.  So we are  the purveyors and molders of consciousness.

Who understands what consciousness is?  You woke up today.  Were you unconscious until then?  You were conscious!  What conscious is, is your ability to open your heart and take in the knowledge, the  power that works through you.  This earth was a conscious decision that  was made in two parts.  You were chosen to come here.  Or you wouldn’t  have gotten here; I don’t care what your mom and daddy did. (laughter)   You would not be here today if you were not chosen.  And what does that  mean?  It means that the Divine Architect; the Consciousness behind the  consciousness, believes that there is absolutely no-one better than you  are at this moment to fill a certain place, a certain point, and a  certain time in the evolution of spirituality, or you wouldn’t be here.

You Are Unique

cell-to-dna-221x300So  we always wonder what our mission is!  Well you have a divine mission  and whether you ever know what it is or not, who cares.  Did you wake up  today and are you alive?  That’s means you are about what spirituality  believes you to be; the best there is.  Take a couple of numbers.  In  order for there to be someone exactly like you on the earth, well the  chances are one in sixteen billion and there are only 6 billion,  three-four hundred million of us here.  So guess what?  You’re the one.   No one can do what you do to fulfill the divine promise of spirit  unfolding in a physical plane better than you.

You chose to come  here because you believe you can make a difference.  How did you choose  to do that?  By creating as many obstacles as you can possibly create.  (laughter)  So you wonder how your life got so screwed up: you did it.   Why?  Because as a spiritual being you are a little arrogant and  (laughter) and the fact you are eternally conscious makes you  responsible.  Here comes the key to what consciousness is in our lives.   We take the “responsibility” to open our hearts and collectively put  our minds together, to bring about what we feel to be the most wondrous  environment for love to manifest itself – that’s being conscious.   So, when you created all these obstacles, you created an endless  opportunity to figure out how to get out of them. (laughter)  Now if  your life is like mine, about every 10 years I die just to kind of keep  my perspective in tact. (laughter)

My son Peter said, “daddy  you’ve been dead 3 times.”  I said “hell that’s not near as important as  having been alive before.” (laughter)  One of the greatest transformations in consciousness is laughter.   Because we open up our hearts and take deep breaths and our chakras  spin, and twirl and unfold.  Consciousness is your ability to love.   What you do with that ability becomes your responsibility to not only  human kind, but to this earth, the mineral kingdom, the animal kingdom  and a few things that you don’t like.

Let me show you a  massive shift in consciousness with a single two-word grouping – the Gulf Region.   A month ago the Gulf Region was Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Syria;  A  hurricane changed that; a hurricane understands spin better than the  Federal Government understands spin. (laughter)  But the Gulf Region is  now us.  It’s now our animals, our friends, our children dying.  It’s  not the Gulf Region that split this Country; it’s the Gulf Region that  has united us.  Because consciousness has a way of putting it in your  face when it thinks you most need to pay attention to what you’re not  paying attention to.  And that is unconsciousness.  The place you never, ever want to be, never.

Consciousness  exists whether you exist or not; it exists whether you will be or not.   Something that existed before you came into existence and something  that exists when you go out after existence; but that is never going to  happen because you are going to always exist.

Gloria Gaynor: “As  long as I know how to love, I know I will survive.  And as long as I  know how to love, I know somewhere I will be alive.  I have all my life  to live and I have all my love to give and I’ll survive.”

It Got My Attention

So  now that consciousness is eternal and consciousness is the vehicle that  you are allowed to manifest, move, change and transcend the world  around you.  I believe that there is a four-fold path to this.  How did I  come to this!  Struck by lightning, twice.  “Hey guess what Dan, we’re  going to kill you again!”  This is my relationship with spirituality  dummy! (laughter)  Struck by lightning, talking on the telephone; two  different bedrooms, two different houses, eight miles apart, three years  apart.  Two lightening strikes led to heart failure, which lead to  emergency open-heart surgery, which led to my second near-death  experience, which led to a combination of me struck by lightening and  open-heart surgery, which led to me collapsing and going into cardiac  arrest.  I lived but I had to have brain surgery.  So when you get  struck by lightening, that’s your spiritual self.  When they cut the  center of your heart out, we all know what I wasn’t paying enough  attention to.  And when they try to take your brain from you, then they  say “Hey Dano, aren’t you ever going to catch on?” (laughter)

You teach best what you need to learn.

People  say “Dannion, what happened?  What did you gain from all of this?”   Well I don’t talk on the telephone! (laughter) People say “Dannion  you’re so special; you’re so important.”  Hell God called me on the  telephone (laughter) and the only burning bush I saw was me! (laughter)   So how important can that be huh? (laughter)  So when you take a good  grip on consciousness and moving it forward, you teach best what you  best need to learn.  It comes from “Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.”  You teach what you most need to learn.

Mind is not to be such a  prick.  (laughter) I failed miserably at it on a daily basis.  I try to  be nice and I just never quite pull it off, (laughter) you know!  I  could get up from the dead with the theories I’ve calculated and  populated years ago.

What is Consciousness and how do you explore it?
The 4-Fold Path

I can get up from the dead from what I’m getting ready to prepare you  for: the 4-Fold Path.  A lot of people talk.  I can take these theories  and get up from the dead and I’ve done it three times in the last 55  years, against no chance to survive.  None, but there’s consciousness.   Consciousness is your ability to understand that you are loved; that you  are sacred, that you are precious and that you are unique as a  spiritual being.  That’s consciousness.

How do you explore consciousness, the 4-Fold Path.

1. Belief: What do you believe about you?  Are you capable of loving and are you  capable of being loved?  What you believe about that is how you begin to  define reality for the universe.

2. Love: How do you see it?  What is love?  I’ll use the Greek – Eros, you all  know which one that  is.  It’s a communication of male and female  re-creating a polarity that unifies the bonding nature of the power of  consciousness to love and be loved.  Our friends, our relationship; a  united grouping together.  We love each other because we’re friends  seeking the way to make the world a more open place for love.  There is  only one global transformational problem.  How do I provide a  safer,  more creative environment to give  and receive love and to teach it.   Period!  At the end of the game, there is no other purpose.  There are  little sidetracks we can go on, like building rocket ships (laughter)  drinking a little liquor, but there is no other purpose.

3. Choice: What choices do we make with free will?  You chose to come here. What  brought you here was your free will.  Now what’s interesting about  consciousness is you can choose to believe it or not; you can do with it  what you want; you can create it.  The Cherokee have a saying,  “Yesterday is only a memory and tomorrow is only a dream.”  So what you  really have is now; tomorrow will never come: it will always be today.

To consciously love today creates tomorrow and restructures the past.  That’s  our mission, to consciously love this day; to consciously love this  moment and that’s a choice that we make.  The evolution of consciousness  is in our hands. It’s not something external. It is the  wavelets and movement as though we are in a vast ocean of love.  Do we  use it to propel us, to stagnate us, to brighten us, to control us, to  be manipulated by it or to manipulate through it?  That’s the rest of  the story.

4. And then there is a System you use to Propel Consciousness.  I use prayer.  (silence)  Prayer, willful conscious intent.   I went through a science of study at Duke University where they brought  300 scientists from all over the world to try to figure out how to  create a research paradigm protocol to set up studies in prayer; the  power of prayer.  They came to define it as willful conscious intent.  Now you think about it.

  • Willful, a direct action by which it is that I choose to move forward.
  • Conscious – that I am aware and present of the direct action that      I’m taking.
  • Intent.  Intentionality is the driving factor of control      that unites the universe.

What is the reason?  It’s not what you do, it’s why you do it.  So the 4-Fold Path believe, love, choice, and the system that you use to propel it, the willful conscious intent is behind your actions.  And once that happens you become aware of  consciousness as if you were it; that you were the creator of it.  You  are “made in my image.”  He created man in his own image and blah, blah,  blah, blah; you become aware that  you are the focuser of it to  manifest good, bad, evil or whatever you want.

After death, what’s next?

I stand before you and tell you that life is eternal.  This is a small very minute part of doorwaywhat  you call life.  It’s 60-80 years at a pivotal point.  Well the first  thing you’re going to do when you take your last breath; you’re going to  lift up out of your body; you’re going to enter this blue-grey wondrous  place; you’re going to look around; your going to look back at your  body and the first thing that you’re going to think is you will not be  drinking with God anymore.  Because you had to have been drunk to be  stupid enough to get into that ugly, blop of dead (laughter) flesh to  start with and you had to be really drunk that day for God to talk you  into it. (laughter)  And do you want to get back in it?  Absolutely not!

You  will get a good grip on consciousness, about what you don’t want to do  once you get out. (laughter)  Then you’ll pass through a tunnel and  you’ll come into a place with a bright red beautiful light.  You’re met  by all your relatives and friends.  Now just to give you an idea of what  kind of person I was, and kind of still am, I’ve been over there three  times and no relatives even came to meet me. (laughter) But you always  think about it – when you get to the other side and you’ll meet all your  relatives and your friends, imagine a Nebraska Dairy Farmer and all  those cows that come to meet him when he gets over there.  (laughter)   And all the birds and the chickens and the cats and the dogs; whatever  has love; however you identify; you know how many pet rocks, a lot of  people have Rubik cubes; a lot of people are going to see that a lot of  people come and meet them on the other side because is was their moment  to escape; it was how they got out of abuse while their mother and  father were beatin’ the crap out of each other; they played that little  cube.  How many Barbie dolls; how many things will be there  representative to let you know true love matters, no matter what?

I’ve got a big surprise for you everybody, you have never left heaven.

And  then you’re going to meet this being of light, this enormously powerful  ray of light; Mohammad, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, oh everybody’s got a  name for it.  That beam of light that you’re going to meet is you.   You!  That’s who you meet.  And you reunite with you.  I’ve got a big  surprise for you everybody, you have never left heaven.  You just  focused your conscious intent into a physical body, in a physical form  for a short period of time.  The whole story about oneness is that you  have never left heaven.  You don’t even know how to leave there.  It is  not possible to be able to do it.  You think there is something outside  of Divine Love?  No!  Its how you use it in the choices you make, in  your belief system of your identity, of what you love and how you handle  that process.  It’s still there.  It’s moving from our backs into our  fronts, out of our mouths and our arms and it uses us to manifest.

What I have decided to do with my life.

Imagine  how much we talk about death over here.  Death this, death that.  Oh  I’m afraid, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Well I’m not afraid of death.  I  always laugh.  What are they going to do kill me?  (laughter)  Big  Deal!  Oh hark I’m so frightened!  Death is silly to me.

So what I have decided to do with my life, after these experiences is service, which this is about.  Service.  What did I just serve?  My mission in  life is to reduce the fear of death.  Where can I do that?  At the  bedside, I’m a Hospice volunteer.  I’ve been a Hospice volunteer for 27  years.  I have had more than 17,000 hours at the bedside.  And I have  been with 353 people taking their last breaths on this earth.  I  understand death.  I have died with more veterans than any body on the  earth.  In the history of the United States there has been no one  single-handedly, as a volunteer, to die with more veterans than me.

What I have decided to do with my life.

Imagine  how much we talk about death over here.  Death this, death that.  Oh  I’m afraid, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Well I’m not afraid of death.  I  always laugh.  What are they going to do kill me?  (laughter)  Big  Deal!  Oh hark I’m so frightened!  Death is silly to me.

So what I have decided to do with my life, after these experiences is service, which this is about.  Service.  What did I just serve?  My mission in  life is to reduce the fear of death.  Where can I do that?  At the  bedside, I’m a Hospice volunteer.  I’ve been a Hospice volunteer for 27  years.  I have had more than 17,000 hours at the bedside.  And I have  been with 353 people taking their last breaths on this earth.  I  understand death.  I have died with more veterans than any body on the  earth.  In the history of the United States there has been no one  single-handedly, as a volunteer, to die with more veterans than me.

The Twilight Brigade®


I created an organization with the help of a few friends called The Twilight Brigade, Compassion In Action.   We are one of the largest end-of-life care volunteer programs for dying  veterans in the history of the United States of America.  Because of  Georgia Lambert and the crap she starts; I told her last night I hate  her (laughter) well didn’t I? (laughter)  I told you I’d try to be nice  but it wasn’t going to work. (laughter) In my organization are people  from Georgia Lambert’s group that are some of the strongest most dedicated human  beings, spiritual beings, in human form, who stand up and face death,  who train month after month, year after year and run the empire.  I’d  like to recognize one of those; “Mimi” back here.  Let’s go Margaret,  get up (clapping).  Somebody make her stand up; (clapping) make her;  pick her up.  I’m going to come back there and pick you up myself if you  don’t. (clapping)

So when consciousness is a call to action,  make a choice today as you explore each and every one of us.  Make a  conscious choice in a belief system that creates an environment that you  give more love to this world and you seek out those who have lost the  identity of self-appreciation.  It’s the only way you will ever empower  and enable yourself to use everything that you are being taught today;  that you’re doing it to figure out how to help somebody else.  It’s  never about you first.  It will not work.  The system fails to achieve  the optimum level that it can possibly achieve until it is for someone  else.  Because when you realize you are doing it for someone else, like,  I want the world to be a better place and everybody thinks they’ve left  themselves out.  Are you in the world?  Yes!  So who are you really  doing it for?  You!  You’re really doing it for you.

I want the  world to not fear death.  I want the world to embrace the next great  adventure.  I wish everybody could just have that five more minutes they  wished they had with their loved ones who they don’t know they would  ever see again.  I believe I’m achieving that.  I believe I’m achieving  it because we have nearly 6,000 praying and we graduated 38 last week in  Alabama who left the church, the Unity Church, and went out looking for  veterans trapped in homes and nursing homes and their wives. This is  consciousness.  This is consciousness about love.  There is no other  form of consciousness.  There is only ignoring the responsibility that  comes with awareness.  That we are aware; that means we are conscious.   We are great, powerful, mighty spiritual beings with dignity, direction  and purpose.  So let our consciousness this day be that nothing is  capable of taking that from us ever again.  Nothing can ever take away  that perspective of ourselves ever again.  And all of a sudden the  transformation has begun because we are smart, we’re patient; we’re  loving; be a doer; we support; we hold; we embrace; we smile; we  comfort, that’s consciousness.  That’s awareness of consciousness, being  a part of consciousness and truly the makings of the identity of those  who come after us; those who walk beside us and those who look back at  us.

The panoramic Life Review

How do I know this to be the absolute facts?  The part of the near death experience that I am most famous for is called The Panoramic Life Review,  the Great Book of Judgment where all things are written.  Everybody’s  got a name for it, every religion, and every mythology’s got a name.  I  call it The Panoramic Life Review.  So let me put this in your consciousness in closing.

This  will happen.  You can deny it, you can hope it, you can unconsciously  not think it, you can do whatever you want to do with it, it won’t  change crap.  After you embrace that being of light, all of a sudden you  see your entire life pass before you in a 360 degree panorama.  You are  impersonally looking at every single event like a holograph.  You know  how many hairs was in the nose of the doctor that pulled you from your  mother.  You know every label, every can, every doctor’s name, every  point; if you happen to look out of a window in the first couple of  hours of your life; or when you’re visiting your mom, you’re going to  know how many leaves are on any tree.  If you think you’re a no-it-all  now wait until your dead.  (laughter) You will see your entire life pass  before you.  You will watch it from a second-person point of view as if  you were your best friend watching you; celebrating your victories;  making fun of you when you’re stupid, watching the dumb things you do  like a parent watches a child or like we watch a friend of ours going  through troubled times or drug addiction or alcohol or all the other  things that addictions create, which is really lack of conscious  knowledge of love.

And then you will literally become every  person that you’ve ever encountered.  And you will feel the direct  results of the interaction between you and that person.  You are going  to be every person; you are going to feel the direct results, good, bad  or indifferent, happy, sad or joyful; then the great book of judgment.   Who judges you, you!  But in a Dannionism meaning of life; after you’ve  gone through these 3 steps.  If God couldn’t come today and God sent  you; in the life you just reviewed, what difference did you make?  That  will be your judgment.  If the Divine Presence could not make it’s  appearance today, she was getting her nails done, (laughter) you know  I’m well trained (laughter) and that Divine Presence sent you, in the  life you just reviewed, what difference did that Divine Presence make?

I’m  at the bedside.  I walk into that room.  This man or this woman is in  the last hours of their life and no one’s come to see them in ten years  and I’m there with them – God couldn’t come today so I came.  Why do I  do it?  Because I’m smart; because one day my life will pass before me  and I’ll get to feel the joy, the comfort, the contentment, the  happiness at two in the morning that I brought that person, scared to  death, afraid, who fought and served this country, had been in this  country and left with no one.  Go to see a vet today, conscious  evolvers?  Well make it a point.  Do you want to stop war?  You want to  transform war?  You go to the bedside and listen to them.  You go to the  bedside and hold their hands; you go to the bedside and let them know  they made a difference. And you will feel the presence of Divine  Consciousness and THE Divine Presence you feel is your own damn self and  that is transformation and global consciousness. Thank You!

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