Holographic Universe Workshop Series

amazing-space-images-nasa-9-300x276Before It’s News says: “Quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality. It is giving us a new model for the way our universe works and the practical steps to take toward true joy and excitement and peace of mind.”

Quantum Physics, the science of mathematics, uses math to describe nature, the universe and all of our reality. Using mathematics, quantum physicists have discovered that the universe operates just like a hologram than solid matter.

In this five part series you will quantum physicists will reveal how the observer creates her/his own reality and how your consciousness shapes it.

Part 1: http://www.holographicuniverseworkshops.com/partone.html

Part 2: http://www.holographicuniverseworkshops.com/parttwo.html

Part 3: http://www.holographicuniverseworkshops.com/partthree.html

Part 4: http://www.holographicuniverseworkshops.com/partfour.html

Part 5: http://www.holographicuniverseworkshops.com/partfive.html

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