How do Negative Thoughts Affect You and Others?

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QuestionsQUESTION From Arizona: I try not to have negative thoughts but sometimes they just enter my head. Is it okay to just push them out of my mind and will this make sure they don’t affect me or anyone else?

Drs. Maryann and Matthew Miller: Thank you for your question, it’s very relevant to almost everyone. To begin with, pushing a thought out of your mind is not so easy. You may remember that exercise where the teacher asks the students to not think about an elephant. Well, you can guess what happened. The elephant was the only thing we could think about.

Woman with negative thoughtsIt’s normal for thoughts to come into our mind when we observe or read about a situation that is either pleasant or unpleasant. However, if merely thinking about something were all it took to manifest it, we’d all be rich, happy, successful, and healthy. But of course, it’s not that easy – and that’s a very good thing.

But as you said, sometimes a negative thought tries to remain in your consciousness and you don’t want it there. The reasons for this could be many. It could be that the thought is trying to tell you something. In this case, it would be helpful to discover why you’re holding on to it. It is behooves you to examine the reasons to abate negative thoughts.

It could also be that you observed someone hurting another in some way or you may feel that you were not treated fairly. Allowing yourself to review the situation with no energy attached to it will give you an opportunity to see it more clearly and resolve your thinking and feelings about it. By transmuting the negative energy you’re holding onto, you are in a much better position to release the thought or remedy the situation, if you feel there is something you could do to help make the situation better.

Using the Principle of Manifestation

For you to be able to manifest a thought in physical reality, it would require you to masterfully use the Principle of Manifestation. Steps in the Art of Manifestation are:

  • You must focus and imbue the thought with a strong focused intent.
  • The thought must be visualized with all 5 of your physical senses.
  • Once your visualization is focused, you must then release it, seeing it as already accomplished.
  • You must remain open to the messages and urgings coming from your Higher-Self and ACT upon them.
  • You must live as if the thought has already manifested in your life.

So you can see there’s a lot more to manifesting a thought than just thinking about it. If after applying the Principles of Manifestation to what you’re trying to manifest it still doesn’t manifest, you would want to consider how the Principle of Causation, or Cause and Effect might be at play. Or, if you’re born with red hair and you want black hair, it’s a lot easier to just dye your hair.

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