How IFGT is Helping Create Transformations to Usher In an Age of Awakening




On the Last Wednesday of Each Month, at 8:00 P.M.  Eastern Time, USA, Ken Marx hosts the LIVE,  Meet The Author show, via Zoom.  Our first webinar featured Dr.  Ervin Laszlo, Live, from Tuscany, Italy.  Dr.  Ervin Laszlo is a renowned author and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2006.  We invite the author to join us live to discuss their book, along with a Q&A session for participants.  This is an exciting opportunity to meet, talk, and get to know these internationally known, award-winning authors and thought-leaders.  (These webinars are recorded for those who cannot always make the live program.)

Lyrata Barrett


On the 3rd Sunday of each month, at 5:00 P.M.  Eastern Time, USA, Meditation coach, Lyrata Barrett, leads us in a LIVE, guided meditation to create a focus and hold within our awareness those issues most in need of healing and assistance.  Through monthly group meditations, we assist the World Servers in service to humanity everywhere as we invoke the divine aid needed to assist our planet as the cycles of our times complete their functions.  This generates the love and wisdom necessary to obliterate the polarization, discord, and divisiveness, so the stronger note of human oneness can prevail.  (These meditations are recorded for those who cannot always make the live meditations.)


This series was originally offered as a set of 4 CDs.  However, we are now able to offer all four of the sacred Hawaiian chants and each of the 4 Mystical Meditation Journeys as mp3 downloads that you may enjoy on all of your devices.

Pila of Hawaii’s Meditation Journeys was premiered in his first Huna week-long intensive, before a live audience of over 200 on the Big Island of Hawaii.  They are designed to activate your cellular memory and re-braid your DNA at the very core level of your being.  As you experience each Journey, you will begin to see and feel memories arise within yourself.  You will begin to re-mem-ber who you really are, as well as your true purpose, a little more with each Journey.  This was the experience of those attending the premiere!

In Pila’s words: “It was anything but your average audience, psychiatrists, psychologists, clergy, and healthcare professionals, along with many celebrities.  The premier was a lengthy combination meditation employing both The Islands Within You and The Journey to LeMuria.  A stunned audience stood in line for over an hour to share their remarkable experiences.  This disrupted the entire conference, becoming a subject of controversy and intense study throughout the psychological community that continues to this day.

As Actor James Brolin, the last person in line, remarked, ‘It was one of the most powerful emotional experiences I have ever had.  I still don’t know what it means entirely.’ Out of that conference came a TV Infomercial for self-therapy featuring James Brolin, Margeaux Hemingway, Linda Gray, and Pila of Hawaii.” The IFGT is honored to be able to share these transformative journeys and sacred Hawaiian chants with you.



Conscious Relationship With MoneyA Conscious Relationship With Money – Money In The 7 Dimensions

Dianne Collins offers this course for free, with your IFGT membership.

Strengthen your confidence and command with Money by mastering a conscious relationship with it.  An enlightening experience of Money in the 7 Dimensions frees you of limiting concepts about Money and integrates new wisdom in you.

  1. Part 1  Money Is Central to Life
  2. Part 2  It Really IS About the Money
  3. Part 3 Money in the 7 Dimensions


Master Your Mind-Life w Dianne CollinsMaster Your Mind, Master Your Life

 Tap Into The Power of the Field – Exciting QuantumThink® Program with Dianne Collins. Dianne Collins is the creator of QuantumThink®, a new system of thinking, and the author of the award winning book, Do You QuantumThink®? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World.

This is a 28 Episode Video Course that will change your life.  Watch a sample episode here.  You can choose to advance in the course and learn at your own speed and once you signup for the course, it is always available to you.   You watch each video (approx 30 minutes each) on your own – anytime that’s convenient for you.  The Master Your Mind, Master Your Life online course is yours foreverOnce you sign up for the course, you have access to the videos and the PDFs anytime, as much as you want, from any device.


Rich SpitzerThe Manifestation Formula™, A Modern Guide to Transforming Thoughts into Reality

Richard Spitzer, Instructor

Find Your Successful Manifestation Zone:  The Manifestation Formula™ is a modern, practical approach to utilizing the power of positive thinking, manifestation, and the law of attraction to achieve the things we want in life.  Richard Spitzer applied his decades of behavioral research to find the common elements that lead people to successfully achieve their goals.  Ancient wisdom has been updated with modern science to find a basic formula to manage the conflict between your positive and negative thoughts and enter the successful manifestations zone.​

The Modern Positivity Formula™ is a personal guide:

  • The Modern Positivity book describes my research to develop the Positivity Formula and principles. (Available on Amazon, print, and kindle.
  • The Modern Positivity Thoughts Scorecard™. We all like to know how we’re doing; we like report cards.  The Scorecard tracks your thoughts and beliefs about progress toward your goals.  You record Positivity ratings weekly, and a chart shows your progress in managing your positive, uncertainty, and negative thoughts and beliefs.
  • The Modern Positivity Workbook™ provides simple exercises from the key points in the book. The exercises help you learn and practice techniques to understand and change the nature of your positive vs. negative thinking and personalize them to your beliefs and goals.



Peggy Cross chairs the Meditation-Prayer Service Council. It consists of a global network of individuals engaged in meditation or prayer on behalf of those who send a request.  It is a FREE service of the IFGT.

Distant healing and assistance can be directed to one’s self, to others, animals, plants, and the planet itself.  This type of service can be conducted in person or from a distance.  Council members approach this service in their own way, however they choose to work.  Council members’ efforts align and harmonize with the work of all the other healing and assistance circles that exist across the globe, i.e., through the Institute for Noetic Sciences, Silent Unity, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, churches, and so on.

Thoughts on Meditation and Prayer with Kristie Knutson


Mind & Memory MasterySecret To Your HappinessPersonal Transformation GuideE-BOOKS

These E-books are designed to assist you in developing your very best self. When their knowledge and techniques are put into practice, you develop higher states of consciousness and a more joyous, creative, abundant, successful, and peaceful life. These E-books are available for free with a Transformer membership. They are also available for donations.



Michael MasonJUST ASK, Conversations with Dr. Michael Mason

Dr.  Mason discusses your questions and offers words of wisdom and encouragement from his many years of experience as a student of esoteric wisdom. Here, you can ask questions about everyday life challenges, your career, relationships, consciousness, and your higher self, that eternal, authentic self that’s wiser, more loving, and powerful than your everyday ego-self.  Submit your question below to receive Dr.  Mason’s response.  We encourage you to post your reply/comments at the bottom of the page. Your identity is Private: When asking a question, your identity will never be shared so don’t worry, your identity is safe with us.   We will only publish questions appropriate to our audience.



Institute For Global Transformation’s  YouTube Channel:

Visit the IFGT’s YouTube channel to view our videos on:

  • Meet The Author
  • Meditations for Humanity with Lyrata, which includes a short introduction to the Ancient Wisdom
  • AI audio for the visually impaired for dozens of our articles
  • Videos on many additional topics



21st Century Philosophy Article Library

In addition to other articles that appear on the website, we have included over 100 articles in the 21st Century Philosophy Library.  We invite you to browse our Article Library.   It is dedicated to the expansion of consciousness leading to personal transformation and a Tipping Point that will usher in an Age of Awakening.  You may print any of these articles for personal use.  If for inclusion in any publication or on a website, we request that you contact us for permission as some of the articles are copyrighted and we too have received reprint permission from those authors.



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