Just Ask Responses

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Dr. Michael Mason

You Ask, We Answer
Just Ask – We Answer


Where does consciousness reside?  RESPONSE


QUESTION from New Jersey

It seems that so many people can review a situation and come up with an evaluation that is completely wrong. Why is that when it is so clear to me what the answer is? RESPONSE


QUESTION from Maine: Attaining Self Mastery

We read a lot about becoming a master or mastering your life but what do you need to do to become a master?  RESPONSE


QUESTION from Arkansas: Negative Thoughts

I try very hard to not hold negative thoughts about anyone. But sometimes when someone does something really stupid and hurtful, I can’t seem to help from thinking bad thoughts about them. Then I feel guilty and bad about myself. Is there a way to erase a negative thought from your mind so it’s like it didn’t happen?  RESPONSE


QUESTION from Rhode Island:  How to improve your life

If you can give me only one tip to improve my life, what would it be?


Work on transforming your misperception that you are separate from everyone and everything. Overcome the illusion of ego-mind that wants you to live and behave as if the illusion of separation is real. This illusion is the seed cause of man’s inhumanity to man. It is the cause of victim mentality which disempowers us. When you blame someone else for something, then you’re giving up your power to them.

Overcoming the illusion of separation is accomplished by awakening the most powerful perception tool we all have available. It’s called Infinite Heart ONENESS perception. ONENESS means connection. All is one means all is connected.

When you awaken this perception, you realize that all others are actually other parts of you. This realization helps us understand the golden rule, DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU.


QUESTION from Idaho: How do I not be a doormat?

The more I learn about being positive, inclusive, kind, and giving, the more confused I’m becoming. There are people I meet or know who exemplify none of these traits. I’m trying to cultivate these virtues into my life but I sometimes feel like a doormat because too many people just take advantage of me. I don’t know whether to try and stay on my personal life path or just cut all of them out of my life.  RESPONSE


QUESTION from Ohio: Conversations on Race and Racists

“I know that I have always felt that we are all created equal. I just need and want to be able to talk with people from other races and find out their experiences with racists, something I have never had to experience because I am white who was raised to believe that it is not the color of your skin but the character of the person that matters. How can I do that?  RESPONSE


QUESTION from MaineHandling  Life’s Experiences

“It seems like life moves quicker then it did before and I don’t seem to be able to keep up with everything.  RESPONSE


QUESTION from California: Why do I feel so alone?

“I live alone. I’m meditating every day and doing my regular spiritual practices but I feel empty and alone.  What am I doing wrong?”  RESPONSE


QUESTION from Texas: Anger, Forgiveness, and Happiness

I’m going to  be really honest here, my life is miserable. I’m torn  apart by hurt and anger and I just can’t seem to let it go. Believe me I’ve tried but I’ve  been treated really bad.  RESPONSE


QUESTION from Florida: Phases of Consciousness

I’ve started meditating but how do I know how far I’ve progressed in raising my consciousness?
RESPONSE: You might find this discussion on consciousness helps describe the phases of consciousness that all humans go through.


QUESTION from California: Handling One Disaster After Another

Lately, I’ve experienced one disaster after another. Normally, I can pick myself up but lately I seem to be losing faith. Do you have any suggestions for me?


QUESTION from Kansas: Trusting Your Intuition 

I am somewhat intuitive. But sometimes the messages that come to me through my intuition are not necessarily accurate. How do I know which ones to trust?


QUESTION from Oregon: Why Is Life Unfair?

 As I look around this world, it seems to me that life isn’t fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and there doesn’t seem to be a logical answer as to why. Could you comment?

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