QUESTION from MaineHandling  Life’s Experiences

“It seems like life moves quicker then it did before and I don’t seem to be able to keep up with everything.  RESPONSE:

Accelerated Life Experiences

problems in life

Today’s accelerated life experiences allow us many opportunities for growth, although they can seem to be overwhelming at times. While moving through challenging and demanding times, it is wise to keep in mind that the thoughts you hold in your subconscious and conscious mind design the world in which you live. Every thought you hold serves to either expand your consciousness or hold you back. Thee is not neutral so it is important to choose wisely.

The IFGT offers exceptional classes designed to raise your consciousness so you may become more aware of your actions, emotions, and thinking process. You will begin to identify more connections among seemingly unrelated ideas and events. You will learn how one thing can affect seemingly unrelated things and even influence everything. You will also begin to get better at reading people and situations, which will help you make  better decisions in all areas of your life.

Your challenges may be rigorous, but in actuality, they provide springboards to attain higher levels of consciousness, wisdom, and purpose, if you accept them in this spirit. It is essential to learn whatever lessons you can from them and then move forward. Eventually, when you step back and acknowledge their lessons, it is easier to find peace, gain wisdom from the experience, and proceed forward with renewed determination.