Love, the Force, the Source of Creation

~Dianne Collins

With a focus for this month

LoveIf everything is Love, why do we sing “it’s the only thing there’s just too little of”?

I cannot pretend to know everything about Love. On this, I am as much of an authority as you are. Then again, perhaps we are all authorities on Love, without ever realizing or acknowledging it.

What is the ultimate goal of life? Many say it is simply to Love one another. To show respect, compassion, and Love for each other from the depths of our being. Others say it is to reach a state of God-realization, or Self-realization, the mastery of one’s highest Self, one’s highest state. And what is that state? The state of Love. The saints and the sages say everything is Love because everything is an expression of God and God is Love, and God is All That Is.

And yet, the songwriter writes, the singer laments, what the world needs now is love sweet love … that’s the only thing there is just too little of.”1 How can this be? If we can ask the question, we can find the answer. Perhaps there is a simple explanation.

Yes, let’s do it. In this very moment, whenever and wherever you are as you read this, let’s become authorities on Love!

What is Love?

Some say Love is a verb, something expressed in action. Spiritual masters say Love is the vibration of the Self—the conscious awareness that pervades all and everything.

“God is not a toy of your security or a concept of your convenience.

God is love. God is that substratum of this universe, the basis of this existence. God is like the space in which all things happen.” -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Love is a word in our language. Its meanings and symbolisms and implications are so vast, so deep, so multidimensional—infinite, really. And thus, Love is in this sense undefinable. Yet, we do have this word to represent all of it, Love. One cannot define Love in an absolute sense, however, we can distinguish it in many ways.

Baby and FamilyWhen a person comes into life, when a baby is born, there is nothing but Love present. Think of it. In every moment of purity, in all the areas of life—when a toddler looks to his mother or father, there is nothing but Love.

When two sweethearts fall in Love, they gaze into one another’s eyes, and in that pure romantic moment of connection, there is nothing but Love. When we cuddle our animals, our pets, when we tend to our gardens and our flowers, what is present is Love. When we gaze at the moon and the stars in the shimmering night sky, we are filled with an effusion of Love.

When we accomplish a great achievement and the people close to us congratulate us and share in our happiness, what we experience is Love. When we contemplate scriptures or sacred text, what is present is Love. Whether or not you believe in God, whatever your notion of God is, surely you can believe in Love.

If the world comes into being out of Love, if the Force that holds the universe together is Love, if everything and everyone in the entire world is a manifestation of Love—then how can we sing there is not enough of this divine nectar, sweeter than any honey, more sublime than anything a person can imagine?

As authorities on Love, we need to resolve this conundrum.

Consider that it isn’t Love that is lacking; rather, it is the experience of Love.

Love is all-pervasive, but is it manifesting?

 I read an insightful article on the use of language by Vyaas Houston2. He said, “What makes a language sacred is how we use it. If a language is used to discover the sacredness of life, it becomes a sacred language” and that … “This has a great deal to do with whether a language is being used consciously or unconsciously.”

Consider that we can make the language of Love sacred by learning to relate to Love consciously.

From a QuantumThink® perspective, we know we are living in a reality of Infinite Possibility. We are aware that everything that is, ever was, or ever will be, exists all the time, whether in the possible world, enfolded and hidden from view—or in the actual manifest world, we consider ordinary reality that which we glean with our 5 senses.

Love is always all-pervasive at least in the possible world, hidden and enfolded. Due to what we call our “Least-action Pathways”—defined as “the way the energy or thought goes automatically, simply because it’s been that route before”— Love can become conceptual. I married you, so of course, I love you. When Love is conceptual the living presence of it may not be felt.

When any aspect of life becomes mechanical, it requires no conscious awareness. Think of a machine. You set it up to work and it runs automatically on its own. As human beings, our concepts are like this. As a concept, the idea of Love is still there in the background, yet we’re not present to it. When it is a present-moment experience, it becomes a Force that has the power to transform and effect miracles.

We forget that we are the ones who are the generators of the reality. It is you and I who must presence Love, consciously and with awareness.

Love can arise circumstantially or we can generate it consciously.

We respond in Love when circumstances call for it. When a child slips on the pavement and gets a scrape on his knee, we easily bring Love, and it has a healing effect. But what about in the normal course of ordinary activities, with the people we live with, the people we work with, and the people we pass on the street or interact with for a brief moment while shopping or banking or exercising or whatever we do. Are we present to Love?

Love EnergyFor Love to be presenced, that is, manifest, requires that we ourselves are present, consciously aware and awake, in the moment, aware of ourselves as generators of reality, as generators of Love.

The power of Love is formidable. It can transform anything.

 We can tap the power of Love. The great scientist, Albert Einstein, wasn’t known, particularly for his humor. But he said something funny: “Gravity cannot be blamed for falling in love.” He knew that the power of Love was beyond even natural law like gravity. Love can transform heaviness into inspiration. Desperation into optimism. Fear into confidence.

Love is a state. Love is a power, a Force. You can use Love in the energetic realm as a powerful force to heal, to presence profound connection and relatedness, to create magic, and make miracles happen.

It is a conscious act to do this.

It is said that Love is the only thing that really heals. Love heals all wounds, physical emotional, mental. Love heals in the outer world through the community coming together in Love, just as we witness during circumstances of distressing world events.

Underneath doubt, fear, anger, insecurity, judgments, and whatever else shrouds it, Love is hiding.

AngerEven hate can be said to be an expression of Love. Love gone awry, because you love so much, and a relationship doesn’t turn out the way you wanted. When you love a person so much, and that person does something you interpret as hurtful to you, then the feeling of Love can get distorted as hate, vengeance, and jealousy.

I was in a class once in college, and the class was a Gestalt Therapy group, an invention of Fritz Pearls. You sit someone in a chair opposite you and pretend that person is your father or your girlfriend or whomever you are wanting to communicate with. One day a young man put his father in that chair. He complained to his father that he never loved him, that he could never please him (sound familiar?), and all that

Something the therapist/teacher said to him that stayed with me to share this with you now. Since everything is an expression of Love, could this young man see that since the natural relationship between parents and children is Love, that this was the best his father could muster as his expression of Love? Could the boy see that even his father’s criticisms and chastisements were indeed, the way he expressed his Love toward his son?

Now, we may not want to hear this. But can you imagine, that from a new world view perspective, which is that we live in an Observer-created Reality—meaning we as human observers are always shaping what we see, according to the interpretations and meanings we bring to our observations—that we can interpret any action as derived from Love.

Then perhaps we become as saints, as the wisdom of Jesus said, forgive them for they know not what they do—when we can see that, in that moment, this is the best that person can muster right now. In whatever relationships you are in, can you consider that these are the scenarios your soul created to give you the situations you need to go to your next higher evolution of your own Self?

When you go out with Love in your heart, it causes everything to work. This is the power of Love. The Beatles sang, “It’s easy. All you need is love.”

“There’s nothing you can know that isn’t known
Nothing you can see that isn’t shown
There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be
It’s easy

All you need is love.”3  -The Beatles

What the world needs now is love sweet love. It’s easy.
What shall we do to generate it?

We can infuse the Force, the power of Love into everything we do.

We love the saints and the spiritual masters. Why? They are a living embodiment of Love. In their presence, we experience the Love in ourselves, and for all of creation.

Living in Love is a conscious act.
When food is prepared, when you cook, when it is done with Love, the food tastes different, better. It becomes like nectar from the gods. Art created from Love becomes sublime, a treat, a treasure for the senses and for the soul.

When you do what we consider routine tasks in a mechanical or perfunctory way— cleaning, organizing, routine jobs that are part of your work, taking care of the basic needs of your children or yourself, then these things are lacking in this life Force. In contrast, when you consciously do these things infusing Love into all you do, your entire experience transforms. The fruits of your labors and your service become divinely inspired. You yourself experience more joy in even the minute details.

The presence of Love can be evoked by outside circumstances or Love can be generated consciously, that is, by you and me. What brings Love from the possible world into the actual world is our very own Intent.

Love, the Force, the Source of Creation
Contemplation for This Month

Notice the areas of your life where Love lives only as a concept. Consider that you are the source of Love. Consider generating Love consciously, in your every moment.

In the routine activities, in the creative activities, in the moments of solitude, and in the moments of being with others. Use the power of Love to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

When you consciously generate Love with awareness, the power is formidable. Anything and everything can be transformed in an instant when you use the power of Love, consciously, with awareness.

What is your deepest wisdom on this? Let us know by using the form at the bottom of this page.

With Love,
Dianne Collins

Dianne Collins
Master Your Mind, Master Your Life

About the author
Dianne Collins
is the creator of the groundbreaking system of thinking, QuantumThink®, and

9-time award-winning author of bestseller, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, considered a “must-read” for our changing times.  She is a highly acclaimed leader of new consciousness, popular media personality, and strategic consultant to executives and entrepreneurs, students, artists and celebrities. Her latest work, Master Your Mind-Master Your Life, “Entertainment for Enlightenment,” available on the IFGT website, is a video masterclass to attain personal Mastery through quantum principles, spiritual connection, and mystical insight applied as practical modern wisdom to Mind, Relationships, Money and Purpose.



1“What The World Needs Now Is Love”, Songwriters: David Hal / Bacharach Burt F

Here Where There Is Love lyrics © New Hidden Valley Music Company, Casa David Music, Songs Of Fujimusic, New Hidden Valley Music Co, Bmg Rights Management (uk) Ltd (hal David)

2American Sanskrit Institute

 3 Source: LyricFind ;All You Need Is Love” lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Songwriters: John Lennon / Paul McCartney

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