Send Us Your Requests

Meditation and Prayer Council

The Meditation and Prayer Service Council consists of a global network of individuals engaged in meditation or prayer on behalf of those who have sent us a request. It is a FREE service of the IFGT.

Distant healing and assistance can be directed to one’s self, to others, animals, plants, and to the planet itself. This type of service work can be conducted in person or from a distance.

Council members approach this service in their own way, however they choose to work. Council members’ efforts align and harmonize with the work of all the other healing and assistance circles that exist across the globe, i.e., through the Institute for Noetic Sciences, Silent Unity, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Rosicrucians, churches and so on. As the circle of shared consciousness grows, it has the power to help uplift and heal humanity and the planet.

Please know that placing your request for assistance on the Meditation and Prayer Service Council’s list, or participating in the Council, will not add you to any other mailing list except the IFGT’s. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Your Request

When sending a request for assistance, you may offer as much or as little information about your request as you wish. Some participants on the Council have said that knowing a geographic location, such as the city or country, helps to focus their work. Or if you like, you need only define the category for which you are requesting aid, i.e., health, emotional healing, domestic, career, economic issues, etc. Please include the full name of the person that is requesting assistance. We will not contact her/him in any way. Membership in the IFGT is not required to request assistance.

Always feel free to request aid for yourself, a loved one, a situation, an animal, or any person in need, as many times as you wish. As you place your request, it is helpful to hold in mind what we know to be true: the very thought of requesting meditation, prayer, healing or metaphysical aid immediately connects us in consciousness with each other and with the Divine, and the harmonizing, balancing energy flows.

While they are not necessary, updates are always welcome. From the responses we’ve received over the years, from those who have received this aid, we know that the Council’s work has great impact and meaning in people’s lives.

Please use the contact form below to send your request.

Meditation-Prayer Service Council Request

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Invitation to participate in
the Meditation and Prayer Service Council

Membership in the IFGT, which is free, is required to become a member of the Meditation and Prayer Service Council. We have a single purpose for requesting this: your act of establishing membership helps form an alignment or bond with all those on the Service Council. Because of the nature and purpose of the IFGT, this alignment links our hearts and minds not just with other IFGT members, but with all people and organizations across the planet who are committed to helping create a globally shared consciousness, and to the upliftment of humanity.

As a benefit of membership, you will also receive our monthly newsletter along with an occasional e-mail notifying you of upcoming activities.

When completing the membership form, be sure to indicate that you want to become a member of the Meditation and Prayer Service Council. This will add your name and email address to the Council’s list and you will then begin receiving requests for assistance as they are received by us.

Join IFGTTo find answers to your questions about membership and/or to join with others of like-mind, click here. Be sure to indicate, on the membership form, that you wish to become a member of the Meditation and Prayer Service Council.

If you have questions regarding the work of the Council, you may contact me using the contact form below.

FM - Contact Us

With Warmest Regards,
Zoe Eckblad
Meditation and Prayer Service Council Chair

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