~ Michele Spencer

In 2017 my soul was aroused out of a deep sleep due to an unexpected life-changing event. This caused me to question everything, and suddenly I had an intense desire to understand who I was and my purpose here on Earth. My quest for information led me to several books and spiritual teachings that catapulted my spiritual journey.

My heart singsAs my heart opened up, I went through deep healing and transformation. I felt an overwhelming love and compassion for life and was mesmerized by the beauty surrounding me. It was like I was seeing life for the very first time. Colors appeared brighter and more vibrant, and nature captivated me. I felt a connectedness and oneness with the Universe that I had never felt before.

Slowly I started releasing things in my life that were no longer serving me. Until that point, unhealthy habits and limiting thoughts and behaviors kept me trapped in a perpetual cycle of unworthiness.

A newfound self-awareness forced me to look at myself in a loving but honest way. As a result, I changed my diet and started exercising, paid off massive debt, decided to stop watching the News, and drastically reduced social media. Everything I was doing in my life was done with mindfulness and intent.

I was paying more attention to my inner world and staying present. I was no longer my thoughts and emotions but rather the consciousness experiencing my thoughts and emotions. This enabled me to transform my anxiety and lack into worthiness and inner peace.

I realize now that I was going through a spiritual awakening, an intense shift in consciousness that allowed me to see myself and the world from a higher perspective.

Life ReviewI was being guided every step of the way as the pieces of my life were falling into place. It felt like an unseen force was leading me to my destiny.

Like most of us, I was completely caught off guard by the events of 2020. As fear, uncertainty, and sheer panic struck the entire world, I felt an unusual calm. I was in the best physical, emotional, and spiritual state possible to face one of the most challenging times in human history.

Despite my calmness, I was witnessing chaos and turmoil all around me. It appeared that the devastation impacted everyone in one way or another, and I was no exception. In December 2020, my best friend of 22 years suffered from two cardiac arrests leaving her unresponsive and brain dead. A few months later, my employer of 22 years informed me that my position was being eliminated.

Ironically, I was being laid off from the company I met my best friend 22 years prior. I watched helplessly as a significant chapter of my life was slowly coming to an end.

I was heartbroken by the loss of my friend. The pain was excruciating. However, at this point in my spiritual journey, I understood that it’s through pain that our souls evolve. Pain is our greatest teacher intended for spiritual growth.

As Rumi said, “The wound is the place where the light enters.”

So, instead of playing a victim, I used my pain as motivation to guide me where I needed to be.

I also understood why I lost my job. It was the Universe’s way of pushing me towards my life purpose. This was necessary because I would have never left the comfort and security of my career on my own.

Intuitively, I knew that I would not seek another meaningless job. My soul wouldn’t allow it. Whatever I was going to do next in my life would have meaning and purpose. I was no longer driven by money and material things; instead, I allowed love to guide me.

I had always wanted to volunteer, but I never thought it was possible because I had a family to support. But now, I was presented with the perfect opportunity to give without needing anything in return, so I decided to volunteer. I came across the website VolunteerMatch.com, and one of the first posts I saw was a Newsletter Editor position with Institute for Global Transformation.

I looked at the IFGT website and felt an immediate connection, so I applied for the position. Within hours I received a response from Maryann Miller, and we immediately scheduled an interview. Maryann’s warm and welcoming demeanor was refreshing compared to the corporate environment I was used to. Her soul radiated the most beautiful energy, and I knew I had found what I was looking for. I never expected to find an organization like IFGT, but just like everything else in my life, it was divinely guided.

There are no coincidences in this Universe, only synchronicities.

In the short time, I’ve been volunteering with IFGT, I have learned so much. I am so appreciative to have the opportunity to share my energy with like-minded individuals. The love generated when connecting with members of IFGT is pure. I know that we’ve been brought together for a greater purpose and that collectively through love, we are changing the world.

As I reflect over the past five years, I now understand my purpose on Earth. I am a Lightworker here to raise the planet’s vibration and help lead humanity into a New Earth of peace, love, and harmony.

We are all eternal beings, here to learn love. We must remember that behind all the pain and suffering, fears and insecurities, anger, violence, and wars…. there is love.

LOVE is all there is…