The Information Age, Mysticism and Technology
Dennis Kwiatkowski

Dennis KwiatkowskiThe technological age we live in has been called the Information Age. The internet and social media have made information available to us in a capacity unprecedented in history resulting in instant communication and sharing with one another on a global scale.

Technology is neutral–like fire–and can be used for good or ill. We can become endlessly distracted by the information or misuse it. But while the sheer volume of information available at our fingertips can be overwhelming at times, the positive overall effect of access to quality information has been the increased awareness and evolution in society. This has made it harder for those people whose sole aim is to try to dominate and control others to get away with it. Access to factual information helps people to more easily see through distortions and deceit.

Another aspect of our Information Age is the enormous universal availability of films and educational material through DVDs and streamed video, substantially-increased library offerings, e-books and podcasts. In the film community alone, digital technology has made it possible to produce a much wider variety of excellent documentary and independent films than previously possible, and computer technology has made Hollywood’s contemporary offerings and its vast array of classics available in restored pristine editions that can reach a larger number of older and newer generations of viewers.

This easy and often free access to informational and entertainment technology means that today a larger percentage of the population can experience the emotional truths that great films convey as well as increase their awareness through educational media.   The ready availability and sharing of information, is, in my opinion, expanding the world-view of the average person. An increased world-view leads to increased consciousness. Increased consciousness leads to individuals making better choices that are more in accord with the urgings of soul.

Thus in its own way the Information Age is assisting in the work of mysticism and mystics by helping to elevate consciousness. May we see all soul personalities expand in consciousness by the knowledge available to them so that the choices made by individuals more nearly reflects the expansiveness of the soul nature within.