Negative Thoughts

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Erasing Negative Thoughts

~Dr. Michael Mason

This is a challenge with which everyone deals. Rather than fighting the negative thoughts by trying to erase them, we can transform our perception of being the victim of other people’s actions. This is done by understanding and using the three axioms or truths of what I call Oneness Perception Training

Practical Quantum Metaphysics

Oneness Perception Training Axioms are:

  1. all is perception
  2. all is one
  3. all is energy

We raise our ENERGY to the higher consciousness PERCEPTION that we are all ONE. This means that you brought that person, and situation, into your life for a reason. It is an opportunity for growth, a lesson that needs to be learned. It could be a forgiveness opportunity. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing in life and it’s like a muscle that needs to be used and exercised to strengthen. If we never co-create a forgiveness opportunity we can never grow our ability to forgive.

This can really help when we think of perception as a form of energy. There is an energy I call the Adversary that works hard to make sure we perceive as much negativity as possible, in order to create havoc in life. The Adversary is our Challenger. Those we perceive as doing terrible things to us are the challenges we have attracted to ourselves as learning opportunities. Train your mind so whenever you have a negative thought you catch it and like a game you say to yourself, “Oh you little devil, you will not ruin my day and get me thinking victim mentality again.” The more you practice this the better you get at it. once you catch the negative thought, think about something that brought you joy in the past, like a great vacation, or watching a gorgeous sunset or children laughing and playing, or a hug from a loved one. The list is endless.

Have you ever had something bad happen to you that, with time and a change of perception, turned out to be not bad?

I hope that helps and, in conclusion, I recommend reading the short parable by Neale Donald Walsch called THE LITTLE SOUL AND THE SUN. You can find it on the Amazon website.

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Negative Thoughts

Erasing Negative Thoughts ~Dr. Michael Mason This is a challenge...