One Great Love

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One Great Love By Darcy Scott When my heart is filled with love, more love comes to me. As I give my love to all, more beauty do I see. Silent, soothing, healing, too, in laughter or in prayer. Oh,One Great Love

By Darcy Scott

roerich05-300x152Art by Nicholas Roerich

When my heart is filled with love, more love comes to me.
As I give my love to all, more beauty do I see.
Silent, soothing, healing, too, in laughter or in prayer.
Oh, the joy that fills my life when I show I care –
A gentle urge that whispers soft, “Give, for I’m the key.”
This force so tender and so strong: priceless, yet so free.
Like grains of sand or ocean drops, our love is part of
One Great Love, whom we call God, deep in every heart.
The energy magnetic, that holds creation fast;
Filling every wondrous soul, the first one and the last.
If we could search the atom deep and find from whence we came,
It would reveal a simple truth: God made us all the same.
So, open up, with love for all, not just those we want near.
But let us love the way God loves, for each of us is dear.

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