Oneness Movement

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The Oneness Movement

The Oneness Movement offers all of us an amazing opportunity to connect with our Infinite Hearts and bring forth into the world our deepest desire for Love, Light and Wisdom to heal, uplift, and unite humanity and all nations.


The Oneness Movement is our way of helping humanity consciously connect at the deepest level of our beings.

A visual symbol for Oneness and Unconditional Love.

We have letters and words as symbols for sounds. We have symbols like the cross, the shield of David, and the star and crescent as symbols for religions. We have symbols for the signs of the zodiac and symbols for companies called logos. Symbols are ubiquitous yet there is no symbol for Oneness and unconditional love. Humans are primarily visual creatures so any powerful effort or movement that’s ever become global has had an image, a visual symbol that represents its inner meaning. Dr. Michael Mason created the symbol we use to represent Oneness and our Infinite Hearts.


Purpose of the Oneness Movement

Our Purpose is to bring about a collective force for Our Next Evolution (O.N.E.) which is conscious realization that we are all connected as One Humanity. With recognition of our oneness we can, together, create a limitless source of Love and Light that will transform the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to dispel the illusion of separation and be a catalyst for Divine Purpose, Love, and Wisdom by way of our Infinite Hearts.

Our Goals

Our First Goal is to take the Spiritual Consciousness Movement to a whole new level by initiating a grassroots movement to expand the realization of our Oneness.

Our Secondary Goal is to make the Infinite Heart symbol a globally accepted symbol for Oneness so upon seeing it, we will consciously be reminded of the Oneness we all share.

There Is No Competition

Right now, there are more people than ever before who are searching for higher truth, looking for ways to raise their consciousness,and connect with their soul’s purpose and the Divine Plan for Humanity. There are many paths, many teachers and writers, and many students. There is a path for each of us.

There is no competition to bringing Light into the world. Each of us and every organization is needed to uplift consciousness on a global scale and there is great power where two or more are gathered. If we are able to celebrate our different methods of journeying toward enlightenment, the powerful energy of all Lightworkers will tip the scales and humanity will be catapulted into a higher frequency of consciousness thus ushering in a new age of enlightenment.

These are just some of the aspects of the ONENESS Movement. If you believe we are ONE HUMANITY and you would like to add your energy and name to this Evolutionary Movement, please fill in the form below. Our future is in our hands.

In Shared Service,
Dr. Michael Mason and Maryann Miller, Msc.D.

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