Spotlight on a 21st-Century Innovator:
Philip Horvath

griffith2-300x294Philip Horvath served on the IFGT’s Board of Directors and is currently on our Advisory Council. The IFGT has posted many of Philip articles over the years. Philip is a real 21st-century Innovator and is helping to raise consciousness in all areas of life.

Philip says the thing he values most is, “Having made a difference in people’s lives. Over the years I have had the privilege of supporting a wide array of different innovators, people willing and dedicated to creating the future: from creative-types to entrepreneurs and corporate leaders, to activists and educators. I believe in life. A life that expresses itself in ever more complex forms.”

Below is a short video Philip’s friends from Riazo in Bangalore made after his visit there last year.

Film Editing by Abhishek Maji for RIAZO Production & Curation Co.

You can follow Philip’s remarkable work by clicking on the following links.