Higher Consciousness and Coach, Phil Jackson

Importance of Consciousness

Higher consciousness is an expanded state of perception from one’s ego perception. It produces a heightened sense of awareness creating greater clarity and understanding of the reality in which we live, move, and have our being. As you are able to maintain connection with higher states of consciousness, your sense of self begins to align with your soul thereby producing a deeper understanding of your oneness with all life.

When in resonance with higher states of consciousness you have the ability to reach greater levels of creativity, understanding, inspiration, purpose, and wisdom bringing about a transcendence or wholeness of body, mind, and spirit.

Achieving higher states of consciousness eventuates in the transformation of the illusion of separation between self and Source (God). It transforms the five physical senses and generates higher knowledge that leads to wisdom regarding life, death, purpose, and the universe itself. Higher consciousness produces an inner knowing, peace, and connectedness that creates the ability to meet and successfully maneuver through life’s many challenges.

Phil Jackson, Basketball Coach

Higher consciousness is even more powerful when accessed during group work. In the book, Sacred Hoops, Basketball Coach, Phil Jackson says,

There is an energy that’s unleashed when players put their egos aside and work toward a common goal. [There’s] a powerful group intelligence [that] emerges that is greater than the coach’s ideas or those of any individual on the team.

What is that powerful energy and intelligence that emerges in the collective when the ego is set aside? How is it experienced?

When a player surrenders his self-interest for the greater good, his fullest gifts as an athlete are manifested. He’s not trying to force a shot, or do something that’s not in his repertoire of basketball moves, or impose his personality on the team. It’s funny—by playing within his natural abilities, he activates a higher potential beyond his abilities, a higher potential for the team. It changes things for everybody. All of a sudden, the rest of the team can react instinctively to what that player is doing. And it just kind of mushrooms out from there—the whole begins to add up to more than the sum of its parts. We see this a lot in critical situations. When players are totally focused on the team goal, their efforts can create chain reactions. It’s as if they become totally connected to one another, in sync with one another, like five fingers on one hand. When one finger moves, the rest of them all react to it.” ~ Phil Jackson

When operating at lower frequencies of consciousness, it’s as if you’re looking at the world through a clouded lens. You have limited:

  • Understanding of the situation, problem or event
  • Awareness or perception
  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Compassion
  • Power
  • Creativity

When operating at higher frequencies of consciousness, the structure or frequency of matter changes. The higher you go, the cleaner the lens so you develop more”

  • Understanding of the situation, challenge or event
  • Awareness, perception, mindfulness
  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Compassion
  • Power
  • Purpose
  • Creativity

Physical Matter and the Consciousness Matrix

Solid, liquid, plasma, and gas, represented by an ice sculpture, a drop of water, the air around clouds, and electrical arcing from a tesla coil.

All matter is composed of different frequencies within the infinite Consciousness Matrix. The difference of one physical object from another is its frequency – different frequency = different appearance.

If you change the frequency, the structure of matter will change.

“All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” ~ Max Planck, German theoretical physicist whose work on quantum theory won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

With self-realization, our frequency changed. Our frequency, as a drop of water, is different than the frequency of the entire ocean. Because of this, we erroneously feel separated and diminished. This feeling of separation produces the lower frequencies of fear, anxiety, lack, guilt, anger, and all other limiting conditions. The more we are attached to these negative feelings, the more real they become to us. When authority figures or leaders are able to convince us to live in these lower frequency states, we actually change the hologram and help them gain power, authority, and control over us.

If, on the other hand, we don’t succumb to fear, anxiety, lack, guilt, anger, and other limiting conditions, and determine to build trust, opportunity, inclusiveness, empathy, joy, and prosperity consciousness, we also influence and change the hologram.

So the question is, which frequencies of consciousness do you want to live in and, if you want to change your consciousness, how do you go about it?

How Consciousness Operates

We are, have always been, and always will be an integral, innate part of the Consciousness Matrix. Everything that exists, by virtue of its frequency, is a part of the webbing of the Matrix. Therefore, we are connected to everything else that exists. This is the reason biofeedback machines can register even insignificant changes when thought is directed to that with which it is connected. Consciousness forms matter and fashions our reality. Our consciousness designs, connects, and affects the physical body through this etheric webbing.

aura, etheric bodyThe etheric body is but an etheric web of energy “composed of myriads of threads of force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their coordinating effect. These streams of energy, in their turn, have an effect on the physical body and swing it into an activity of some kind or another, according to the nature and power of whatever type of energy may be dominating the etheric body at any particular time.” (Alice Bailey: Esoteric Psychology II, page 44)

How can we know when we’re in rapport with Higher Consciousness?

I’ve always been a huge fan of Jiminy Cricket; he’s Pinocchio’s conscience. Jiminy always lets Pinocchio know when he’s not living up to his highest potential.

Conscience is an awareness of inner or higher-knowledge, truth, and wisdom. Conscience is sometimes felt as an energetic love that steadily aligns us with our Higher Selves. It initiates an irresistible urge to allow higher consciousness to be our guide in all situations. It opens a “channel for the systemic energies of love-wisdom and the conscience of love is felt flowing through us, touching the conscience of everything else, adjusting its rhythm and inducing a temporary state of harmony with the whole. Freedom is felt too, because [this frequency] enables us to lift our eyes above the problems of the personality….” ~Alice Bailey

Joy is also an indicator of invocative living. Joy lets us know we are in rapport with our Higher Selves and are living our life with purpose, love, and wisdom flowing through us freely.