Quantum Activism Village & Certification Program

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Global headquarters of Center for Quantum Activism


Dr. Amit Goswami

Contact Dr. Goswami here and learn more about Quantum Activism Village.

Open the pdf file and read more about the 1 Year Certification Program here: Quantum Education Program


In the past few decades science is undergoing a major paradigm shift from Newtonian/behavioral to a Quantum/ transpersonal one. The matter is everything view is giving way to primacy of con- sciousness. Quantum science has given scientific validity not only to our potential oneness but also to our subtle experiences of feeling, meaning, archetypes, and spiritual wholeness. Accord- ing to the Quantum Worldview, the creative exploration of these experiences propels us toward a transformational mindset.

Quantum Activism is a revolutionary idea, based on this knowing, that is as simple in its con- struct as it is audacious in what it can achieve– simply a complete transformation of the world, as we know it.


Quantum Activism is an idea that was born out of the path-breaking work by Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., former professor of physics at the University of Oregon in USA, to connect the domain of Science with that of Spirituality and propose a new model of education and living that has the potential to formulate out-of-box solutions for the seemingly complex issues that the world faces today.

Dr. Goswami is the author of several books e.g. “Quantum Doctor”, “Quantum Economics”, “Quantum Creativity”, “Everything Answer book” and is a central protagonist in award winning documentaries like “What the bleep do we know”, “Quantum Activist” and “The Dalai Lama Renaissance”.


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