The Power of Setting Your Conscious Intention

Imagine for a moment that consciousness is like a large body of water. Each transformative experience we have is like a pebble dropped into the water, producing a ripple effect that vibrates out from its center, affecting the entire body of water. Now imagine millions of individual transformations that, like pebbles, produce millions of ripples. As each of these ripples encounters and interacts with other ripples, all of the other ripples are affected, and the whole body of water is changed, initiating a collective experience of transformation.

When we choose to consciously set our intent to align and act in cooperation with others, in a shared and focused purpose, the group’s intention is significantly magnified, creating an exceptionally powerful experience of wisdom, love, and purpose.

a drop of water

Jim Carrey on The Power of Conscious Intention

Because of the non-local aspect of our consciousness, there is research that proves that group intention is one of the most powerful forces in nature. See what Jim Carey says about Intention: